I can say right now, that I just don't want fruits.
Listening to John Rose and common sense, I know that there are times when lots of fruit has served me well.
But, I just don't want it.
So, once again, I'm caught in between the idea of do we want what's good for us, or do we want what we shouldn't want?
Right now, healthwise, I've been fasting a little, from Friday night through to Sunday..
As many YouTube videos mention, it's a social aspect, that gets in the way of trying to fast.
I do think I'll start being social on Saturday nights, so my fasting through Saturdays it's going to change.
Doreen Ellen Bell Dotan says that it's good to fast the same time each week, and I see real very value in that.
At this point, what I want to consume is coffee. Every once in awhile, Coke is still really good, but this week it's coffee that I wanted.
So, here I am in Dunkin Donuts, with an iced macchiato. The gentleman behind the counter, a shift leader, said that it's the same as an iced macchiato and an iced latte.
New paragraph.
But, I can say it is delicious.
On the turnpike home from Orlando, with Jeff, I tried last coffee with caramel.
It was delicious.
Today in Hypoluxo, we talked about Ephesus and the temple to Artemis.
So, course I'm thinking about the two Diana's famous in my lifetime.
They both men allowed to me at some point.
And, I think they're both were very important for the culture.
So I started thinking about the difference between Artemis and Diana, and I think Diana is the only Hellenistic goddess whose name is still important. Of course it's not too long that Helen had some importance to. But, I think Persephone and Echo and Juno and Phoebe and Celine and Cleopatra, have probably lost their place.
But, you never know, the name Isis came back.