Sunday, December 30, 2018

Harry Potter, Mary Poppins, and a Haitian church

 We went to see both Harry Potter lands. And the feeling was great.

But I'm shocked that Universal put 1/2 in each Park. No, I'm not shocked. But I'm very disappointed. It's crazy to pay $400 for a half a day's entertainment, and to stand in lines for the other half.

We went on two rides and they're done very well.

We also went to Seuss Landing.

I don't like theme Park shops. But, there wouldn't be so many of them if they didn't make a hefty profit.

But, I just don't understand, when there are so many things to do and to look at, that people spend time selecting things.

Of course, they don't have two houses that they're trying to empty out. But, even when I was filling one house up, it's just not the place to shop. Because there's so many things to do that you can't do when you're in a store.

Mary Poppins returns was Practically Perfect.

I was so happy to see Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury. But, of course before the movie got to them, I was most interested in seeing Julie Andrews.

I wonder if they offered her a role?

It would be horrible if they didn't, but I know that Lando Calrissian wasn't in the new Star Wars and that made me mad too.

What about the kids from Mary Poppins? They could have been in it. I don't know much about them, so maybe they were there.

I went to a lovely Haitian service this morning. The people are very kind. A young man provided translation for me, and it was hours of work for him. No complaints, and I'd like to go back.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

What is that shock

I'm singing along to the song on 107.9,

And I realize

It's not a Christmas song.

Monday, December 24, 2018


These things
Looked so much better in real life. But I want to post some pics.

I'm sent I'm sitting here

Wondering what this new spelling of heaters on the side of a building will tell me about what they have inside.

Is there really a store just for heaters?

And then, I noticed that it's the word it's the word Theatres but the tea is burned out.

Looking up

 And noticing
The Nativity stained glass window
Here at St John Catholic Church
For the first time,

I thought I saw a white bunny rabbit!

But, on further inspection, or rather, just a blink later, I realized it was a lamb.

All is right with the world once more.

I have a gig at a new church, then we're about to start. And, the nativity scene sits there, in stained glass, as it should be, next to Jesus, who has been ab-shaming the world for 2,000 years and is just about to get baptized.


I think this is the first or second time hearing Nat King Cole sing his chestnut this year, and I assume that's him on the piano.

It's so good,  and I wonder if the vocals were recorded separately or if piano and vocals were recorded together with instruments added later.

Noticed this time that there's something in the way he pronounces that pesky word "child" that is problematic for Maureen McGovern in "Toyland."

I wouldn't be surprised if songs like that,  and "There's Always Tomorrow " with their wistful but nonreligious lyric make it onto more Christmas playlists.

All right, about time!

I just saw a nice choice. On somebody's roof, over their garage, is a Jack Skellington.

It's mostly all limbs, and I hope I remember to come by here again at night so I can see him.

I love the individual expression, although it's not something I would put on my house.

In that movie, there's an understanding that the holiday season starts with a scare.

Amy Grant

Amy Grant

Pickler and Ben have her on, and she looks so young. Where has she been, and with a recording studio in the house? I think she released f?

Fat people

I can only put this here because I know nobody reads it. A paragraph a paragraph

By the time they read it, they will Fast and be thin.

It's so horrible to watch people fighting over corn pudding kirari fat!

I said, already fat. Thank you.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

St Augustine

So far today

 Nice talk with Jamaica girl

It's warmed up nicely

First trivia round 1
Second place round two

Fourth overall?

Forge of Empires

Enjoying the new Gui ldw e e g g ng

Friday, December 21, 2018

First time this year

Twelve Days of Christmas
Sung completely unironically

Only touches where that
Men and women alternate
And a harp when the swans were introduced

And then there's a weird 11th verse

A drum solo for the 12th

Just when I thought

Amy Grant had recorded every Christmas song, Here Comes God is with us.

Christmas Hallelujah

 Last year, for the first time,
I heard Christmas Hallelujah

Which I can imagine Leonard Cohen endorsin

Amy sang it
And I just heard it on the radio.

Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time

 I heard this one again.

A version by Josh Groban. And then the original.

And this time, it seemed to have the Christmas mystery appropriateness. And, not as trite as I sometimes think it is, or is deliberately anti celebratory.

This week

Won trivia three times

Rehearsal with a new choir

Owen's second birthday

The hidden order behind the E;R and PewDiePie controversy by YouTuber Ed as The Outer Light, AKA The Daily Rabbit Hole

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Guessing Christmas songs

 I'm really good at guessing the singers, but only one person seems to be impressed with that.

I wish somebody would join in, but people seem to not be able to hear background music very well. And, I guess they're not into it.

Went to the Grand Floridian
Wine trivia at a new place, The Butcher Shop.
New hair wrap

No, text to speech I didn't say that, I said a paragraph that was new.

When trivia at Dixie too.

Listening to Patti LaBelle Christmas and lots of retro ones but I don't know, at McDonalds.

One friend, vehement Lee and I mean vehement Lee, Express over and over her dislike for Christmas music. But auntie, is actually lift sling to WAY-FM.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Two things I may have never seen before

I just passed a school, which happens to be my mother's Elementary School.

I think if my mom growing up in Ohio.

And that's true.

But, they came down here for the winters. And there it is, close to where I live now.

On the sign, Atlanta Elementary, it says that retakes for class photos are December 13th.

And, I vaguely remember makeup photos being taken somewhere before.

I don't think I ever decided to get makeup pictures taken or to not get makeup pictures taken.

For the last 10 years at least, I've been interested in Christmas light colors. When I was a kid, I like the colored ones, and then I switched to liking the white ones on Christmas trees, but the colored ones everywhere else. And, sometimes they like scenes with just white lights.

Then Martha Stewart came out with decorations at Kmart, and it occurred to me that there ought to be more choices for colors.

I don't want as many choices for Christmas light colors as there are for paints. But I can imagine lots of color schemes with variations.

I think an aqua, with a few greens and a few types of blue would be nice.

And, similarly, a turquoise color would be fine 2 ad 2 a yellow, red, and orange to make a Santa Fe pallet.

Then, there could be the gingerbread palette which contains yellow, Orange, red, and a medium green, a purple and a blue.

I'd like to see a Victorian palette with a darker green and a darker red.

Candy cane with red and white. I see that these days. That doesn't have to be invented.

Then there are the different shades of white, gold, and that bluish White. I think there are few Shades that would look good together, to give the impression of different shades of white. But that could look awful, so it wouldn't just be whatever, you have to think that one through.

Then there are jewel tones. I saw a dark purple tonight. So maybe an amethyst, a sapphire, and emerald and a dark red would look nice together. Maybe not.

Red white and green together might be nice.

I think green and red with no white looks odd, but in the right place it might be great.

It seems to me that yellow it's often not bright enough, and often too close to Orange.

And why is text-to-speech capitalizing Orange?

O Come All Ye Faithful - Epic Flash Mob Carol #LIGHTtheWORLD | The Five ...

Commentary on Real Coffee with Scott Adams

Agreed, Mr. Adams.  It is not Mika Brzezinski’s job to apologize to Mike Pompeo.  But we did not hire her to do anything.  One of the fake/slanted/evil media corporations did that.  And she’s just playing her role.  It’s also not her job to apologize to him because they share a version of the same name. 
I haven’t noticed an increase in non-sexually dimorphic names; surprisingly, in 2018.  Have you, Pat?  Or Chris?   That’s evidence for me that this whole push is top-down, and only 2 percent of the population cares about it much.  I also haven’t noticed a trend of newscasters to look more androgynous and this is confusing to me.  After all, they’re the ones pushing this.  But, the men on news continue to wear ties and jackets, and have built biceps, and the women continue to look like drag queens.  (Except for Fox, where half of them look like trannies.)   Can anyone help me figure this out?

Also, stop pushing it Scott Adams, or the military and everyone else will have to be forced into accepting blind one-legged trans people who are transitioning into aliens.

Episode 337 Scott Adams: Mika’s Apology, China, Google, and my Plan for ...

At the Lieberry

So, here in South Florida, the opportunities for me to provide computer instruction are limitless, in terms of old people.

I am surrounded by old people.

So, either I can teach them their phones, or get to a place where they can bring their laptops, which is terrifying since hooking up and getting 13 clocks to chime at one time is ridiculous; or I can find a room with lots of computers, just like the one I used to know.

But, sitting next to young people on computers; it strikes me, hard- that they don't know computers either.  They aren't as afraid to click, but they don't understand the right click either.

Maybe I can have a career explaining the right click on computers and holding down the finger on a cell phone, which does the same thing.

Young people can't type, either.  Could I make a fortune teaching typing?  Linking people to a typing course and charging a penny per click?

I think I could.

Invent an app?

Glorious news

Glorious news got a call, rehearsal on Thursday and performance on Christmas Eve.

No audition, and I think it's a real choir.

The musical director posted a request, but then called me personally.

That is an honor.

And, then in communication, used the word colleague; an inference that I am also one.

Granted, this wasn't a flat-out declarative statement. Is more like Serena Williams saying there are other men besides herself. But the thought is there.

Then, he even said I didn't have to go to rehearsal. But, like I feel in the situation with Dan McDonald, rehearsal is  the best part.

I want to see leaders at work.

I know the results I want. Now I need to learn the process, and get there.

Appropriate for men

 I I'm watching a man, who seems to be thinking his clothes are stylish, goodnight the latest thing oh, you know, stylish and his own way.

And, they seem to be men's clothes.

Black backgrounds and huge floral print.

It's not particularly effeminate.

And I'm really curious Tonneau, no text to speech, not that word but curious to know, if those are men's clothes, and if it's a big trend. Or a trend that has passed that didn't quite make it. Or, if it's a trend that I just haven't noticed.

Appropriate for Christmas

My favorite things
When else am I going to hear it?

But it just seems wrong.

The Supremes did it, but I don't think I knew that before Barbra Streisand did it on her Christmas album.

Barbra Streisand Christmas Album seems inappropriate in a way. But I love it.

I told Sandi that it made sense, just like it made sense for one of her compatriots to play the part of Madea. Or the other media or the other Madea.

To me, apart should be played, and it doesn't need to be much like real life. But it has to ring emotionally true. 7th Barbara wants to sing a Christmas song, I want to hear it.

Paper packages wrapped up with string are not Christmasy much. They should be brightly colored, and which pretty paper and with pretty ribbons.

Is any other part of the song Christmasy?

Is strudel for Christmas? I don't think so.

On the way over, I noticed that what I used to think, which is Michael W Smith takes Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring and goes into a Christmas song isn't true. It goes into a manual, make that Emmanuel and like it's lyric Glee similar Old Testament quoting Messiah song, it's about Jesus and not about the birth of the Christ child.

I I've always preferred unto us a child is born over the Hallelujah Chorus, which is a close second, but that's probably because I don't hear that one as often as the other.

I also saw a billboard, 4 NASA which said something like holiday in space.

I remember, when I started thinking about these things, which wasn't as a child, noticing that Disney kept Christmas stuff oh, well, better said, promoted the hell out of it, while schools we're wrestling with the Christ part of it. And at the same time, government seem to let it go.

So Nice is going to have a holiday in space? But, of course not a Christmas in space. And the billboard has the druidic Holly on it.

The Puritans were right. Christmas is a razor, a dividing line and a stumbling block.

I also heard a song about Christmas Vacation. We caught it Christmas Vacation, before we called it holiday vacation. Or was it Christmas break?

It is a season of holiday, and not just one day.

It's the holiday season.

I think I want to coin a phrase for it, or word. Something that points out that it starts at Halloween now and ends in New Year's Eve. No, ends on New Year's Day. Or maybe, ends on January 3rd, which we always in disability land, realized was that fruition of the Christmas miracle.

I suppose if it's here in Florida, it can be extended to include Three Kings Day but I don't know if the Cubans and Puerto Ricans and maybe the Italians we still do something like that I'll do it on the same day.

Maybe, if I throw in the 12 Days of Christmas I can bring back michaelmas.

Now, somebody explain to me how text-to-speech knows the word Michael Mass a second ago as one word, which obviously should have been capitalized and then throws in this other version of it?

Joan Rivers

 In high school, I thought The Tonight Show was incredibly boring.

And in an interview, I'm Amazed that Joan Rivers had to audition times to get there.

Being involved in shows, It seems to me like that one was just thrown together. But, they obviously wanted it to be like that.

Did they want to put people into a certain state before they went to sleep?

I know it has a certain charm. But, it's just not good.

It also struck me today, that Johnny chose a woman for guest host, and Diana Ross did it too, because he didn't want to groom a successor. I think you did everything the way he wanted to do it. And that included looking like he knew what he was doing, in a mediocre show.

I'm sure nobody on the show considered it mediocre. But, what I mean, is that it's very low art. They laugh, breaking character, on purpose. It's so scripted. And if you don't already know the guests, there isn't much incentive to look them up.

Obviously tastes have changed over the decades, but some things from those times I absolutely adore.

I think TV was really making different shows for different times of day. And not just trying to make the best show.

Friday, December 14, 2018

This week


Tuesday trivia first place
Wednesday trivia first place
Thursday St Augustine
Friday trivia second place after cookie exchange

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Old people problems

 Depth perception
Needing the whole street clear before they'll cross it

Relatedly, needing the whole road to turn into a parking space
And not sure if they're on the left side of the road or the middle of the road and parking crookedly

Unsteady on their feet so they don't walk much so they can't walk very well

Waiting for other people to talk first but can't hear very well so socially isolated

Only wanting things in one certain way or at one certain time, and flexibility and thinking they don't want surprise, but actually being delighted by surprise sometimes

Bored with things that are the same but scared of things that are different or new


Willie Nelson
The 34th Frosty I've heard

And another artist that seems weird to be singing Christmas U2.

It's that time of year

 When people are looking for calendars.

And I remember a time, when a gentleman who thot I was a very organized professional person, notice that the calendar in my pocket was from the previous year.

I don't think I bothered to explain. But I was just carrying around my old calendar because it had phone numbers in it, before the age of cell phones.

So, back to this year, it's not quite Jimmy weary oh, no, text to speech, it's not quite gymuary.

Grown-Up Christmas List

 Reminds me of I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day

And Christmas throughout the whole year songs, which try to bring Christmas magic into real life, or World Peace, or morality.

In looking at Christmas cards with my mother, we divided them into Nativity, childlike or playful for crafts like and Nativity in art.

Then there are the modern-day ones, with snow Street Scenes or turn of the century Village or skating scenes, Cardinals and then the blue ones, with or without stars Starz or doves with the peace theme. The blue ones are either blue and white or blue and gold. The still-life ones, black wreaths or Bells don't interest me, but I like the ones that have artistic or calligraphy text.

With 2018 events, it struck me that UNICEF with its Agenda 21 and gender issues, wouldn't have issued the one with the sexually dimorphic Cardinals on it this year, unless it was left over by inertia. But the powers-that-be, wouldn't have approved it for the first time this year.

We've got Rudolph issues, with bullying, and maybe the elf, but I'm not sure. We went from effeminate with no hint of gay was okay, to don't ask don't tell, and both of those phases, it seems like there were unspoken assumptions or obliviousness.

But what about, the fact that there's no connection between acting like a kid, and preferred activity?

Real liberals would agree to the possibility, but it's a weird liberal State, 2018.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Finally some Mary J Blige

Enjoying a bunch of Christmas songs which versions I haven't heard before.

Most of them are kind of throwback, meaning not as old evocative as retro and some of them are a little Jazzy, like pop jazz clubs like dimly-lit or something was John T drum sets.


There's a nice what are you doing New Year's Eve and surprise surprise, a remake of little Saint Nick.

I never thought I'd hear that.

I heard some Johnny Mathis today, Wonderful Time of the Year and winter wonderland.

I noticed that Judy Garland and Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra and Andy Williams sing a lot of the same songs in their Christmas specials.

I wonder if there any Linda Ronstadt Christmas songs? It seems odd that I can't think of any, since she's has done so many different genres. And she has the Timeless appeal in her voice.

Lots of songs that are vaguely Christmas playing today, and a couple Jackson 5 ones.a and they were good.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Carol of the Bells

 I just heard some junior high schoolers sing it, and The Williams Brothers sing it, and one of those pops orchestras.

I remember it being really really fun to sing,  and I always thought it was a crowd favorite  but then  somebody told me it wasn't their favorite.  Look at that baby ing,n to to lly lly lly lly lly lly lly ing ing ing ing eing it ber mber

I think

It's been 10 months since I've heard Karen Carpenter.



 Doug, hit by a car in the Dollar Tree parking lot?

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Another new one

 Christmas in the Sand?

Yes, the shark has been jumped and they Orca has beached itself on the sand.

Tik Tok

I've been watching a lot of Tik Tok for about 2 or 3 weeks.

My Jamaica girl says she's heard of Tik Tok Toe and I wish she was being ironic.

I haven't figured out Tik Toc yet, but I wanted to document that today I saw a pic of Skeeter Davis... not a sound, but a pic.

Abba, Hall and Oates, Earth Wind and Fire, Rockefeller St, shrimps, Rihanna to illustrate a sketch becoming  art, and washing hands in front of a bathroom mirror, juice ice and little bit of dressing,

Brenda Lee replaced Mr. Sandman.

Shooting cards to show what's behind it is still popular but not as much as nerf wars.

Too early?

Thinking about listening to myself

 I just heard Dan Fogelberg another Auld Lang Syne.

Why would you capitalize day I did not capitalize Fogelberg?

By paragraph

So, I sound different when recorded as opposed to listening through my ears. I sound different in headphones too.

The difference in tone is understandable to me, but the difference in the speed of my vibrato must just me and my head right?

So, listening to Mandela effect videos and not believing it...

I love that song.

But I do think it's too early for it in the

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas with the sturdy Pine and the toys in every store and Most Wonderful Time of the Year with his scary ghost stories

Ghost lyrics are weird. There's only Scrooge and how relevant is that? And it's not scary.

Are there toys in every store all year round. Except for those stories, like what a hardware store or a plumbing store at feed store that don't have toys at any time.

So, thinking about the worst thing ever to happen. And I'm using hyperbole.

A social worker wants recorded an angry person, and played it back to them. And that was the worst thing she had ever got into career. So, Dee is reality or honesty really the worst thing that happened?

Is that what we're afraid of in this age? Honesty? Authenticity?

When the Bitties sat around the table and made fun of suicide? That was mean real and I couldn't handle it.

Actually using trains running over people in Palm Beach County as a terrible reason to miss happy hour in Fort Lauderdale on the train that's expensive enough to keep out the riffraff? And pretending like you care about people?

Spending double would it cost to provide meals and call yourself a charity?

Starting to fake me to Scandal so that Baby It's Cold Outside will make more money this year?

Poisoning the Romaine so that Iceberg will make more profit this year? Can you pair that decrease in the price of gas so that people spend more money at Christmas?

Questioning the nature of reality and the past rather than admitting that maybe we're wrong?


Saturday, December 8, 2018

Missing you most at Christmas time

 I have heard this one before, on Mariah Carey's album, because I know I've heard the whole album before.

It reminds me of Judy Garland's drunken please don't leave me until after New Year's song.

In a Facebook Disney group, somebody just asked if a song from Frozen was appropriate for Christmas.

It seems like Christmas has jumped the shark.

I noticed a long time ago with my favorite things from The Sound of Music. That has nothing to do with Christmas.

Episode 329 Scott Adams: Modern Presidential Tweets, Mueller Porn Updates


Richie McDonald and Jim Brickman

 Coming home for Christmas

What is the best year with new songs? And some who aren't even new. I'm going to sleep like Rip Van Winkle?

Name for this McDonald's

 You can call this one

Peanut butter State College McDonald's

The ox and lamb kept time

 I just heard Little Drummer Boy for the first time this year.

I was listening yesterday or the day before to a YouTube video about the ox and, I believe it was the ass, not the lamb being very important in iconography.

It was a lecture by an i icon ver.con ver con con icon by e by by and and and and e by by e bye by by ure s a as a was was was was was was was


Ha! That was a long way of interpreting icon Carver.

Friday, December 7, 2018

More Christmas music

I hadn't heard this one before until tonight.

Property as well as essentially being I've heard Al Jarreau Christmas songs twice so far

And Baby It's Cold Outside with Idina Menzel and Harry Connick Junior three times I think


Thank You PewDiePie! by YouTuber Saiman Says

Thank You PewDiePie! by YouTuber Saiman Says

Thank You PewDiePie! by YouTuber Saiman Says

wow I must be bored

 I just saw a Facebook post about an office Christmas party

And I wanted to go.

I do remember to find locations, the Orlando Science Center and Universal Studios. But, come on office Christmas parties are not fine.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time

Since the main singer is either incredibly famous and revered, or died a long time ago,

I'll go ahead and be rude.

This is a horrible song.

Well, it's not a horrible song. It's a horrible recording.

If you're not sure what the difference is between a song and a recording, use this time to go review the Grammy categories.

This will not help you.

But, that is exactly my point.

Let's go back to that recording.

If a listener is already in a festive mood, and the tempo of the song is there for pleasing, then the listener May tap their foot.

If a listener is not in the festive mood, then the temple will be annoying.

So, Right There, the most we can hope for, is a tapping of the foot.

But, let's go deeper.

If the listener is not in the festive mood, then, not only will the tempo be jarring to them, but the horrible swishing swagging sound, which I can only imagine was accomplished by scraping one's Nails across the fence posts while running quickly,

Will greatly annoy.

And, speaking of the lyrics, There is no Children's Choir that practices all year long.

Either they sound terrible, or they are the kind of children's choir that has different songs every week.

You know, like bethesda-by-the-sea, or King's College Cambridge or something like that.

Ladies and gentlemen

We are in real trouble.

I just made a Facebook post.

I was typing "too beige. "

And I had to think about ehich 2 to use.

Diana Ross love hangover in the McDonald's

Three nights versions of White Chr, to just now and one yesterday. istmas


I heard them saying about the hula hoop for the 4th time today, this season.

I liked it this time more than the previous three times.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Martina McBride

 Blue Christmas

Such a great town. At first I thought it was LeAnn Rimes.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

I'm finally ready to admit this the chips at Aldi are crappy sometimes.

I don't remember any problems with the chips from Save-A-Lot.

But, Aldi is hit-or-miss.

I bet they never miss.

I bet they have a boyfriend,

Christmas palm trees

 I haven't taken a good picture of them yet, but I'm really enjoying the red and white striped Christmas palm trees. I'm really enjoying the trees decorated with green lights at the top.

Red trees
Green trees
Red and white trees
Green and gold trees green and white trees nice!

Just heard the first Whisper of Bing

Just heard Mary Did You Know

 Her time do it on Sunday, but heard it on the radio just now.

Women marry a lifestyle, not the man - YouTuber George Bruno