Thursday, February 28, 2019

And then I see this

Box lunch

 I was throwing out some things, I noticed a box from TooJay's in which we received a box lunch, from Compass knowledge group.

And I remember this employee, who got so excited. She exclaimed oh a box-lunch! And I don't think I've ever heard that term, and I thought it meant something about the contents. Because, why would anybody be excited to get lunch in a box, unless it was a certain food choice. I mean, it was like getting excited because food was served on a round plate instead of a square plate. She went on and on, and explain how they brought back memories from childhood. And I just couldn't understand it. A lot of things I remember from childhood, but the shape of a food container doesn't mean much to me.

But, I guess everybody is different.

And she was quite quite different.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Coloring with crayons

 They seem different.

Waxy, with not enough color.

How did I do this for years without ripping the paper? So many colors of Wax, unless colors of the wrapping paper. And even less actually shows.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

That old TV

 It was obviously from a motel, or hotel, or oh, or hotel, or inn. Because, it had that official-looking, silver colored list of channels plastered to the top of it.

Faux wood grain and very heavy, with a black back and a chunky hard to carry size. I was so excited to get it at a pawn shop, I thought the price was cheap, and it lasted a very long time.

Today's electronics are much thinner, but this thing's was as deep as it was wide.

It seems to me I bought it in West Palm Beach what's the car already packed on my way to Tallahassee. That seems odd, and maybe I didn't. I had enough sense not to buy a mattress drag it up there. So why would I have done that with the TV?

I'm trying to picture the car, was it a Dodge Omni? Silver or gray? And what was that address? Dunwoody isn't right. It wasn't Jefferson or Pensacola. Or, maybe it was Pensacola fat further down than when I lived in that other apartment. At the time, where you live and where you work and what you drive seem like they would never be forgotten. But here we are.

The TV was so heavy to carry down the stairs today, but there was satisfaction in the fact that it served me so long and so well. I watched a lot of TV on on that TV and other stuff. I think I was watching TV late into the night lots nights. And VCR seem to work then, unlike now and they always get stuck and tear. VCR tapes for $0.50 at Goodwill. And no one's buying.

My Orlando condo looks good, at least in most of the rooms. About time I cleaned it up some.

Getting ready to head down south, for a paying gig.

We got the schedule today, but with no address. The emails have been unprofessional, containing spelling errors. But hey, I'm pretty sure the check will cash.

How AUD to be here like this, after 2 and 1/2 year break. With the most ungrateful patient.

That isn't the hardest thing.

People are people and I understand.

But, health professionals you treated her so detrimental and so often harmfully. Not listening, not caring not reading notes of other doctors. I haven't gotten one doctor to contact another. Not once.

It's going to go down that road again, but I don't know when. It could be 20 years. Okay, probably 7 years for the very end. With one or two close calls in between.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Where have I been?

 There's this little place, in between the middle of February, a March 11th when rehearsal starts. There's this little place, a nasty BPA Yeehaw Junction.

My car got to break down twice there.

PewDiePie Vs T Series: It Happened... for 5 Minutes [How & Why]

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

professional opinion

Driving along in Fort Pierce, truck slips into neutral, I guess it's neutral, because the brake didn't work. Well, it kind of worked, so I stopped the motor started it up again, it works fine and I went to McDonalds.

The professional opinion is, check the fluids, and then Drive slowly to Orlando.

How far is it from Fort Pierce to Orlando?

Sunday, February 17, 2019


There's some kind of data / Wi-Fi / money making slash conspiracy going on.

I can't tell the difference between what's floating through the air.

But, sometimes it's free. And sometimes it's slow, and it must be about money huh?

In Boynton Beach

Hypoluxo has gone from kind of snooty, too small, 2 dead like a Chabad, no, like Sleepy Hollow, two very friendly, and today I'm trying Journey.

The person I know who goes here, it's one of the coolest people I've met.

So we'll see.

Today, I'm really feeling like I should be in Orlando. But what I really should be, is flexible. After all, I don't even have a house plant.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Cletha D

It's pink here in Morocco.

You always said you wanted to travel.

But I doubt that. I don't think you ever thought about it.

I forgot you said it. But there it is, and my memory and true, in both for once, and undeniable clarity even though the tape is scratchy.

We recorded it, and I forgot it, until it was time to downsize.

Somebody yesterday told me, that they like to throw things away. And I couldn't understand it, but I saw the emotion in her eyes, and I believed her, and thought to emulate that.

But deeper, an older than yesterday, I believe that I might need it someday. And the belief that it might be useful, and the belief that things are more important than time. And the belief that things are more important than people.

I didn't understand that people felt that way in, until I saw someone refuse to visit the person and obsess over her collection of bunnies after her death.

I don't even like bunnies. They taste like old chicken. But then, everything tastes like chicken.

How AR you?

I remain concerned.

Someone continues to use photographs 50 years old, even 75 years old, as craft collage materials on items where they sit in the Sun.

In characteristic fashion, I was about to say, they sit in the Sun for 24 hours a day. But, I don't live in such a world.

This person, refuses to do anything I suggest. But unlike the other person, I can't just stop suggesting things, or, I guess I just haven't figured that out. I have to see this person. But, why does that mean I have to talk?

Thinking of talking, I'm wondering if people in the past spoke the way we right place. No, text to speech, the way we write plays.

You can see the picture above, and there isn't any dialogue. But the meaning is there. No need for Endless words.

You got the old one and the young one and a smart one in the strong one and a pretty wine and the dead one.

Any other Dead one.

Me, like a dog, nearly strangled and the oldest daughter reminded me of another oldest daughter, perpetually middle-aged and now dead but remaining in a larger family of living siblings.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Raise your hand when your personal threshold is crossed...

Who wrote the script?

Hey Matt Quantum Texas Shrugged... if I want to write the names out and locate the vowels, I'm gonna do it.


I have to say, I always wondered why Lincoln was spelled like that.  I guess I need to look up the entymology now.

Why didn't I do that before?  And before Abraham, what did that word mean in the collective?

BIll Clinton has a hospital for rape victims/???

Quantum of Conscience - Matt from Texas Shrugged - Chapter 12 - Reality Breakdown - 50 Lincoln to Kennedy Coincidences

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

I'm playing this typical sort of online game where you build a city and fight and it's vaguely social in that you trade things with other players and click on their things so they'll click on your things.

There's a marketplace where one sets the prices for goods and then it's up to the other players to trade or not to trade.  And for some reason players complain that my prices are too high.  They don't complain about another player walking into their village and killing them,  but they or some of them can't stand selling goods for a profit.


It's a game.  Aren't there several ways to play?

What is this reluctance for capitalism and what is this entitlement to tell other people how to play, even how they play. within the rules.
Ideological set of rails.

Brain pattern is all about race, or class or sex.  And people are more than just one of those; obviously.

That's why they're so upset.  Because they have cognitive dissonance.  How can they like all people of a certain race, yet hate all people of a certain sex.

Today, Liam Neeson had to defend himself.  I guess he's not liberal enough.  or, somebody doesn't like him.

Isn''t the Mary Poppins thing a revenge against Disney?  Of course that makes sense.  People hate them, and love them; love the old stuff and want to seek  revenge on the current state of Disney.

It never was a fair world, but as Ed says, it's just in your face now.

DNA data vs. metadata.  Hmmm... what did they do to Henrietta Lacks?  Sure, she has helped the world, but have they used her blood to hurt the world?  What did they ask her before they spread her blood all over the world?

Ed from The Outer Light - Daily Rabbit Hole #439 | 5 Strange Things from Muppet Baby World

Sunday, February 3, 2019

PewDiePie - James Charles OSPIE?, Ariana Grandeyy FAIL TATTOO, Tekashi69 JAIL not epic

Report from Boynton Beach

 Sky stripes headed from the north, ascending toward the South, above Lake Worth or north.

Sky Stripes, mostly lateral from the coast toward Lantana. Sky Strikers mostly lateral from the coast straight on till West. 10:30 a.m.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Really Graceful - the dark side of the Super Bowl


All this death

 She was 58.

The other one was younger.

Just got done with the funeral for someone 81.

1 friendship is dead.

Some other lady, is acting like she's dead.

My uncle is dead.

At Cresthaven East, they don't even tell you when somebody's died. But at the funeral today, it seemed like they should have a service, up there in the auditorium. After all, they had a wedding there.

Just a spritz of rain on the way to scattering your ashes. I think you thought that was funny.

But, there are tons of Sky Stripes all the time now. And that's what it probably is. It rained all day yesterday nearly storming.

And like the trivia ques last night at Dixie, tion

This is what happens when you say

But you start saying something else too soon.. o e e g g g g t u u u u u t ut

Like the trivia question at Dixie, the world has changed. I feel it in the air. I feel it in the water. And I feel it in the Earth.

The Intracoastal is pretty today, like it always is. But, I wonder why it stinks compared to the ocean? It doesn't stink today, so I should stop complaining.

This Natural Area where we are to scatter the ashes, isn't natural at all. It's up here. It's appear next to a bridge, next to yachts, next to skyscrapers, and really close to man-made islands in the shadow of the breakers.

Clearly, text-to-speech isn't from Palm Beach because it doesn't know 2 capitalize the word breakers. Or is that even the breakers? Or is that something newer built to look like the breakers?

I wonder if working at that Brick Church, is the closest I'll get to working in Downtown West Palm Beach. There's something about downtown anywhere, that builds confidence. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. And it encourages you to do so.

This East part of West Palm Beach, has more than common pine trees. And I wonder where they belong.