Thursday, April 16, 2020

In part 2, of this video about David Koresh, the author says something very interesting. I don't think I've heard this before. She says that music makes words sound more meaningful.

Stephanie Harlowe

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


we are in the middle of the quiet world emergency.  I heard one siren for about three seconds this afternoon.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Casting out of a devil in front of the generation of devils. Contrast of present with coming holy ghost age and contrast of earthly family vs spiritual family.  Previous finders, Nineveh and Sheba better than current doubters looking for a sign.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Peter the autistic

I think of autism as a modern thing. And that's probably just because it's growing. I once read that somebody said, that autism and I think they meant the whole spectrum, is the next step in human evolution. And I suppose empaths we see value in that because we don't want to be bogged down by the emotions of others and hiding in a corner for the rest of our lives. Be that as it may, autism is probably something that's been around forever but I've never thought of it before. Reading two accounts of Peter I think maybe he was autistic. When the other disciples dismiss the woman's tale of an Angel saying that Jesus isn't here at the tomb but risen, he just jumps up to go look. And at the foot washing scene Peter refuses at first but then when Jesus said he needs to be washed he exclaims that he wants all of them to be washed. So there's a change in desire based on interpreting the words as literal. Rather people would just say okay go ahead, Peter wants it all once he realizes its importance.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Matthew 12

Sabbath speech and miracle, withered hand.  Healed told again to be quiet.

Matthew 11

Jesus' mission compared to John the Baptist.

Matthew 10 continued

Explanation of Disciples' mission, deeper.  Jesus comes with a sword.

Friday, April 3, 2020

two ambulances

It's Thursday April 3rd 3 p.m. and I've heard two ambulances today. Since the international crisis has commenced this is the first.

Matthew 10

Disciples list and speech

Matthew 9 continued

On the way to the rulers house to heal his daughter, the woman with the issue of blood, two blind men, a devil who is dumb, rising opposition and I wish for Laborers.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Power to forgive sins on Earth

Matthew 9:1 through 17

Palsy healing an explanation of forgiveness of sins, calling of Matthew, and foretelling of a new way.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Matthew 8

A leper, Centurian's daughter, waves, demons.  Can't avoid fame. 


The seminal event is the Exodus; the freeing of the slaves.  Yet, when Jesus tells the religious leaders that they are sons of the devil, they say that their people have never been slaves.  There is some kind of genealogical idea behind the text that I don't know about.