J. Vernon McGee today:
Memory plays upon on the keyboard of the past- who said that?
Ebenezer stone of remembering
Dynasties not necessarily appropriate, Eli and Samuel's sons ad examples but people still reject leadership and beg for King like other nations.
The United States, with its glorification of rebellion notwithstanding, understood the principle that dynasty meant something. J Q Adams was elected, not installed. So, rather early in our history that presidential precedent was made. Recently, with the Cheneys and the Bushes and the Clintons, there are examples of diagnostic successions and failures. When it seemed like Clintons and Bushes would alternate, it seemed to me as if the false left/right paradigm would be exposed. But then a never before elected someone was in the job. And what a distraction. They had to postpone the plans for five wars.
1 Samuel 6:1-8:22