Monday, July 27, 2015

Seek and Find

I love thinking of how excited Jews and Christians should have been when Jacob started coming back to Israel.  How impossible that seemed; having a Jewish state again, when people knew history!  And how wonderful it must or should have felt to people who say they believe the Bible to see some of it becoming true in their own lifetimes.  Suddenly is wasn't just about the past or the myth or the legend or the history, it was alive undeniably in the present.

So why were people even reading it if they didn't already think it was true and alive in the present!  And why don't we remember this time period when it was a dead book and see it now as once again alive?  The people who see the Bible as alive, assume that it is and the people that see it as dead don't care about the proof that it isn't.  We either watch Fox or CNN, and nobody considers any other opinions but sees what they look for.

What we don't realize is that Fox and CNN only tell us what is wrong.

Don't you want to know what's right?

Who are you listening to, that tells you just what you want to hear, and shows you just what you want to see?

Amy Grant, Mindy Smith from Somewhere Down The Road,

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