Friday, September 25, 2015

Yes and No

I'm still working on an exercise in which I am to say either yes or no.

This sounds simple and I suppose it is, but I don't see the forest for the trees here.  It's like asking a fish what it's like to be wet.  He knows.  But he doesn't know that he knows.  He can't tell you what it's like to be wet because he's never been dry.  Or maybe he doesn't even know "wet" because he hasn't been dry.

I'm not sure about the fish.  But I hope you'll stop by often to feed them at the top of the blog.

So there's this whole book of exercises, and I'm staying on this one until I get better at it.  I'm working on saying yes and saying no.

I was on my way to McD's and there was a young lady; long weave, slow gait, who wasn't exactly in the road; but you know when you're driving and you think- hmm, I know pedestrians have the right of way, technically and ethically, and legally- but I'm glad I'm paying attention here because if I was a little harried I might not even see this person who is taking their life in their hands by walking so close to were cars are whizzing by.... Well that's what I was thinking.

I know, I know.  People drive too fast and don't pay attention too much, and are usually just a little too late and a little too preoccupied, but that point will be lost on both the driver and the pedestrian at the time of their meeting if that involves a death.  So I was thinking that maybe this young lady wasn't making the best life choice by walking so close to where cars drive in a parking lot.  This one has a deceptive design anyway that makes it a little too busy for a parking lot anyway.

I got inside the McD's before she did and after I ordered, up at the counter, she asked me if I had a dollar.

Well, here was a chance to practice saying yes when I mean yes, and saying no when I mean no.

There was no way I wanted to give her a dollar.  Yet, I want to be generous.  Giving her a dollar without wanting to give her a dollar is one option, but there are more options.  

I didn't answer her.  I didn't say yes and I didn't say no.  I think I said "Let me see if I have a dollar" while thinking that I didn't, and definitely not wanting to give her one if I did.

I opened my wallet and we both see that I have a ten.  I say I don't have a dollar.  She says I only have a ten.  I think how familiar it is for her to know that, and to say it.  Then she asks me if I want to buy her some cookies.

There's another noticed opportunity to say yes or to say no; right there.

I don't want to buy her any cookies.  I'm not sure why I don't want to, but I don't.  I really don't think  it has much to do with her walking too near the road because maybe if I thought she was in danger of being near her last meal maybe I would have condescended to her wish; or wanted to get the girl the number 4 combo and some cookies.

I didn't say yes and I didn't say no.  I said "Not really."

So I'm still going to stay on this exercise for awhile.

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