Thursday, January 12, 2017

Tsar Star

Recently in my YouTube wanderings I've come across the idea that Russia might want a new Tsar.

Tsar is one of those words that brought me to an appreciation of translations; being derived, like Kaiser, from Caesar.  Today I think more people know about he Tijuana salad than the man who named the month July, but I continue to be fascinated by etymological connections and spelling and pronunciation details.  Some times I think everyone has a certain amount of room in their head and even though I can't tell it, they are filled up with something.  But when I think about it, it's more likely that the connections and details aren't limitless but are so potentially large that they seem so.

One time I was too stymied to speak was when I was speaking about the connection between religion and war.  To me, the question was so misguided that I couldn't address it, so I'm sure I appeared ignorant of the subject.  But the truth was, I just didn't know where to begin.

The question was posed by someone who seemed completely genuine; asking what is the connection between religion and the Soviet Revolution. 

Well, the Tsar was he head of the Church.  Not only was he and his family killed, bu many priests were killed and the power of the priests was reduced to ashes.  Replacing Church religion for a religion of the State, Communism had its holy texts, its martyrs and disciples and holy relics.  Some people blamed the whole thing on one kind of believer- the atheist, and some blamed it on another- the Jews.  Nicholas and Alexandra, the richest couple the world has ever seen- were brought down in a scandal led by a John the Baptist type prophet who held sway unbathed in the finest salons in Russia.  Their belief in the actual presence of God in their lives is apparent now, but may not have been then.

I don't even know what the passage is, but it still bothers me that this man, maybe one of the last important royals, was the richest- and not Solomon.

But today there's a rich man who might be proclaimed Tsar again, with some of the religious trappings that once accompanied it.  I don't think there is enough interest to go back to the way things were, but it's an interesting concept.  Would that include a biological succession?

As Trump and Putin line up to share power, maybe it's time to get Trump back in line with the Church.  But wait, oh that's right- the church is perfectly happy with him for some reason.

It makes no sense to me- Hillary is the one who taught Sunday School, isn't she?  There was no mention of God at all this time around.  And I remember when it was a big deal.  Yet there's a return to the importance of Church/State relations in Moscow?

In Germany they had the Kaiser, but here we use the word Tsar only to mean someone beneath the president who presides over one issue.  I suppose America wants to think of itself as offering to the world stage something higher than a Tsar.

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