Saturday, December 30, 2017

Monotheism Has Failed Us

I know.  I know.

God is now a collective term for whatever is above us; to some.

Or it's a vague "higher power" and if one thinks about it, power can be a collective thing..

But the idea that is leaving... the idea of monotheism, being replaced by pantheism right now... wasn't so great to begin with.

There was this idea that Judaism, Christianity and Islam were at least monotheist.

Well, they were; and we can add Akhenaten if we want to.

But that's not Jesus.

The Bible is full of admonitions to give up idols.  And if we pretend as if we don't have any, because there aren't any other gods- we're excusing ourselves from all of that content.

But what if an idol is a little thing that symbolizes a bigger thing that's trying to get your attention at the expense of God?

Well, that's what it is.

And I'm real glad you don't have a little Shiva on your dashboard; but that's mainly because I don't want it to block your view; not that that idol is any better than someone else's.

Western belief which is now in the process of fading, was greatly influenced by Christianity but true Christianity was never about any of those things; but knowing the person of Christ who lives; not somebody who died a long time ago but someone who is alive now.

3 Years in Arabia

What was Paul doing in Arabia for three years- (Galations 1)?

I bet he was busy.

Or was it three years in Arabia and Damascus combined?

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Saturday, December 23, 2017

I'm Missing Working at the Lieberry

It was fun there, and here at this one, just as a guest, there are reminders of the things I used to enjoy doing.  Yet I'm constantly reminded about the jobs that people do just so that they have a job; and the converse situation on the other side of life where people don't work; on purpose.

The county is filled with old people who need something to do.  The hospitals, assisted living facilities, nuthouses, rehabilitation centers, retirement communities and my house are filled with people who don't do much.

If you don't have much to do; you don't do much.  And this is what many people do on purpose for themselves?  They work at a job they hate- which they're comfortable admitting for the most part- to some of the people in their lives... and then they start a retirement that they hate without knowing it.  Okay, they don't hate it; they are lulled into its attractions.

But you know, work has attractions too- and just as people assume they need to work when they're young- why do they hate it then and need it later without knowing it?

Friday, December 22, 2017

The Billboard Showed a Baby as Proof of God's Miracles

They didn't get it so I said "I wonder what the cutest baby is- a puppy?  A seal?"  They were actually going to say out loud that a baby wasn't proof of a miracle.  They've kept the Catholic guilt and thrown out the idea of God.

I knew it'd be easier to picture a miracle for them in the eyes of a baby harp seal than a person.  What about the life in a plant?  Can't they see that?

(Courtesy of Pinterest- reminds me of the South to Central Florida nature trail (you can choose Turnpike or I 95) with similar billboarded thoughts.)

It's so sad that thinking life is just natural and not supernatural could get one away from thinking life is a miracle.  Can't it be a natural miracle?  Can't you agree on that with us?  Are you so educated that there's nothing left there behind the pride and self-loathing that makes you demand to be so smart and happy with yourself cuz you're really not?

That's the basis of the Democratic Party isn't it?  I feel bad for being privileged so let me ruin your day too?  I feel bad so doesn't that help others?

It basically comes down to one thing.

Do you think the past was better than today?  Well if you think that, you're obviously a Republican and most likely stupid.


Do you think the past was worse than today?  Well, if you think that, you're probably a Democrat and most likely smart but can't see the forest for the trees so you may as well be stupid since that's the effect you're having on the world.

I wonder what the other political parties in history and around the world think.

There's obviously more to this than left and right; red and blue.  What about white?  Who remembers that?  Or up; down- around and around or inside out?

Who decided there were two options?

I want to open a restaurant that has Coke, Pepsi, Dunkin' Donuts food but Krispy Kreme donuts.  How can that possibly be impossible in the land of the free?  They all agree that they want us fat and dumb....  right Belluminati?

You realize; reader, that not only is this a six surrounding a serpent's eye (or fang, or incisor) but there are three of these on every building of their's, right?

The Belluminati | Commercial | Taco Bell

ABC's Lost - First Season

I finished the first season of Lost again and decided not to watch all the bonus features.

This time around I collected lots of good facial expressions.

I was listening to an interview last night of the makeup artist for Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill; The Grinch and many more- and an interview with the monster player who is finally landed as a leading man as a fish guy in The Shape of Water.  The Japanese guy; raised in Kyoto, was talking about that city's tradition of looking one way- showing emotion on top of the real emotion underneath- when people are being fake.  I wonder if Kyoto is actually any different than the rest of this earth.

Back to Lost:
Good cast.

Nice scenery- spectacular now and then- probably on purpose- not all the time to emphasize certain points.

Few aerial shots- extremely effective.

I only watched a little of the narrated commentary on the first episode; but I really liked the way they stopped the show to show clips.

I've been wondering about ancient times; or different times and societies and just wondering if maybe we talk too much.  There are so many words in the English language: so obviously talking doesn't have to be done like that since so many other dictionaries are so incredibly smaller.  That's obvious.  But what about the volume of words?

Discovering a great actress who I didn't even know was acting has made me think how much of liars and exaggerators we all are.  What about if we just said less?  I notice ancient literature isn't dialogue driven.  Do you think they talked more like that?  They just said fewer words- more of what they actually meant and maybe only liars lied?

Quoted Revelations Revealed Today

You know, as long as she thinks she needs to touch another human while she walks, she's not independent.  (Eight months expecting to hear this, I was..)

What are they going to do if I stop taking my medication this time?  (Does this mean you finally realize you have a part to play?  It's been 16 months I've been waiting for this one.)

It's the job of the baby of the family to provide emotional support.  (Does a month make up for thirty years?)

She doesn't need a wheelchair.  (As if I haven't said that for four months; but hey- better now than never.)

I'm not playing this game (as answering the same question when asked immediately after by someone else...)  This was actually yesterday.

Climbing into a booth- easy when no one mentions it.  (Yesterday at Duffy's.)

Expecting gratitude or words of affirmation when "it's better than getting kicked out into the street" is as good as it gets.

Talking loud as if she's not here continues. 

Is everyone asleep or what?

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Things I've Been Thinking About

Becoming more aware/ meaning more sensitive, I'm noticing the agendas people have when they speak.

He wants me to stop watching conspiracy videos.

This other guy wants me to read things, not listen to them- in order to study.

He wants me to study texts the way he was taught; not the way I do- and he doesn't even think I've been taught how to study: much less being able to teach others how to study.

He doesn't want to hear any advice about health from someone who isn't paid to know about health.

He thinks doctors know about health; but they study disease.  That's the opposite.

She wants me to vote Democrat.

She thinks Democrats are different than Republicans.  Of course they're different; but not in any meaningful way since they just keep each other in business.

I'm thinking of that symbol: red, white and blue with a donkey head on one end and an elephant head on the other.

How can people think that the Democrats and Republicans don't work together extremely well?  They keep each other in power by trading it back and forth.  Duh.

They are Coke and Pepsi- brown sugar water that is essentially empty of calories.  I wrote this years ago and now I've found someone else who says it too.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Breakfast At Tiffany's

About time!

My newsfeed says you can go to Tiffany's and now- eat breakfast.

Whenever I hear Santa Baby (Earth Kitt, Madonna, Taylor Swift), I wonder why they add the "s" or not.  Which one's right?  Is it possible Truman Capote made a mistake?  Doubtful.

 But Audrey Hepburn make one?  Sacrilege.  Her farts smelled like cinnamon.

Sunday, December 17, 2017


my news feed just told me that Camille Grammar was nervous about getting remarried.

This was under the category of "News."

AT & T, you know me so well.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

4 Disturbing Ads from the 90s - YouTube's The90sKid

Lieberry Cell Phone Etiquette

Guess where I am?

Well, it's one of my Lantana satellite offices that's not a McDono's.

You got it.

It's the lieberry.

Having spent many hours in lieberries, I notice things here; and in trends.

Since the advent of the cell phone apocalypse, of course, as in all other places, people receive calls when they aren't expecting them.  But here, at the lieberry, there is a much greater percentage of people who state where they are.


Unheard response on the other end of the line.

"Yeah.  I'm at the lieberry."

In no other place that I can think of are people so eager to tell the caller where they're at.

Don't they know that people who don't frequent lieberries aren't impressed, and those that do assume their utility and awesomeness and therefore are also unimpressed? 

It's like telling people you went to church.  The church people don't care, and expect you to pretty much be there a lot.

The non-church people do not want to hear this.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

TV and Movies

I'm watching the first season of Lost again.  I think I've seen them all except for the last one; so this will be a nice review and then a happy ending.

This time, I'm struck by the good camera angles, the close-ups and the emotional "bams" that hit me regularly.  It's a good show.

But you know what I didn't notice the first time? 

It's not bad makeup.  The bright red stripes on the cheeks of various characters symbolize various permutations of the I Ching.

See, right here according to you'll find a little diagram.  Those bright red makeup pencil lines on the main characters' cheeks occasionally must be completely on purpose.

I've also watched The World, The Flesh and The Devil.  That was cool.  It was a post-apocalyptic drama that featured no bodies.  Now that's my kind of post-apocalyptic drama.  It was cool seeing Harry Belafonte toss around those styrofoam boulders too.   But I really did like it.  I don't care about props much at all.  If the acting is good; and it was, I like it.

To me the acting is everything.  I don't care about the sets much either- but a little.

It took me a couple decades to notice the flats behind Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz.  That acting which only in retrospect seems perfect for that world, holds my attention completely.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Paint Your Wagon

So last night I had my first experience working with another director- other than life-saving Erin Pittleman- in 37 years.

It was interesting!

Thanks to Ms. P, I'm on my way to a future.

Dr. Pope says acupuncture gets things moving- in your life, not just your body.

Hang on.

Here we go.

Don't Judge a Book

I'm trying not to; but the guy next to me is playing with himself through his shorts. 

So what the heck am I supposed to do?

Well, I asked him a question about what he was working on, and I just learned a free program- web based- so available anywhere in the world- to make a transparent background.

Do you know how long I've been trying to do that in Microsoft Paint?

I'm still not sure if it can be done there; but I have two new free places to try:

Thanks, Mister Wiggler!

On the same wavelength; here at my satellite office- Lantana Lieberry; I just saw across the way a little boy and I was wondering what he was standing on: I only saw his face and a little of his upper body across the room.  Then he sat down.  You see, my perspective was faulty.  His face looked about eight.  But he was actually a tall, skinny teenager with the heighth of at least a 14 year old.  I think he's probably 17!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Nice Lunch

California House

Salmon - grilled

Bright veggies

Fluffy rice; brown

The truck made it into the driveway fine- took a minute- and tasted a cherry pepper; hung upside down like a bat for the first time; working my abs.  

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Frank & Ava In Love and War by John Brady

Continuing my study of mid-century American pop culture in preparation for "The First Teenager," I turn my attention to Frank Sinatra.  As a good friend of Sammy Davis, Jr.- or maybe a frenemy; I was looking for more of the sex and devil worship stuff but this book was more conventional in its treatment of those themes.  It has to admit that Hollywood stars jump in and out of bed with one another, but it doesn't go much further; much less admit that they led us; those in the larger society- into that lifestyle.  And it didn't take them long to do it.  Look where we are now- the Vatican thought Ingrid Bergman and her director's affair was the worst thing to happen?  Really? 

Where are we now?

All I knew about Ava was that she was from North Carolina, everybody always says how incredibly beautiful she is, she wasn't really a student of acting but turned in some great stuff: I love Night of the Iguana- and she's always one of the better things about any picture- she could sing but didn't sing in the movie Showboat- but did on the soundtrack (weird!) and that she loved sex.  Seriously, every single article says how beautiful she was and how she loved sex.  There's got to be more to her than that.

But I still don't know any more.  Well, I don't feel as if I got to know her.

It's amazing to me that Red Dust and Mogambo; it's remake were both with Clark Gable.  And do I think I would know Ava or Jean Harlow any better if I read whether or not they bedded CG?  What are these biographies for any way?

I bet Mickey Rooney research would be a good next place to go.  I have a hard time imagining him married to Ava Gardner.  But that just proves that the person we see on the screen has little to do with who they are.

Francis Albert Sinatra, on the other hand; I think I got to know a little better.

I guess Frank is the original teen idol, but I have a feeling that the farther back I go the more I'll find.

I remember reading that Annie Oakley- from the same part of the country as the first teenager- Sweet Apple, Ohio- was the first international superstar.  What does that mean?  What about Alexander the Great?

But as far as teen idols go- we've got to get a handle on Frank and Conrad Birdie.

And I have to admit; I don't get either one of them yet.

I was amazed to think of Ava one floor above Peron with Evita's body in tow.

How had I not heard that before?

But I didn't learn much about Ava there.  It wasn't surprising to me at all that she'd water her flowers whenever the former dictator came out onto his terrace.

Indeed, Frank had a remarkable vocal instrument, a clear and pliable voice that glided over both the baritone and tenor ranges.  It sounded even better on radio than in performance.  The mike conveyed a mixture of coolness and intimacy.  He didn't have to raise or project his voice operatically, or try to seduce a crowd.  While other singers sang to the heavens, Frank, with a mike, sang to one person at a time.

p. 35 Thomas Dunne Books St. Martin's Press New York 2015

The author threw in the kind of side anecdotes and stories about others in the principals' circles that make biographies worthwhile when they don't fill in many gaps about the subjects themselves.  But, he did that throughout the book and in the Sources section at the end of the book.  Why not weave all that good stuff in the Sources into the body of the book- or take the side stories that slow down the narrative in the body of the book and move them to the back with the Sources?  It's as if he wrote the book and then instead of weaving in the stories he decided not to tell, he threw them into the back.  But it would have been better in one large body of the book itself because I think most readers will skip the Sources. 

I was surprised to hear Shirley MacLaine say Frank outlived his voice- not like that, but in so many words- the way I read it.  I never knew the Frank whose voice I liked- until recently.  Hearing The Great American Songbook on radio on Legends 100.3 has been wonderful, and they throw in so much Sinatra that now I like him too.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Bye Bye Birdie Stage Directions

Hmmm.... it's been awhile and I want to record what I was doing before I forget:

The show opens at Al-Mae-Lu and I'm downstairs in the Green Room, and making sure my costumes are there; watching scenes upstairs from the monitor below and hanging out.  There's nothing to do onstage until after "Put On A Happy Face."  Some of the usual suspects dance and sing along with James and Camilla up there and I make sure my trench coat, hat and snazzy jacket- aqua plaid, are ready.

As reporters, we rush onstage from stage right and have our pencils and pads in hand.  One or two cast members, unnamed; don't get on the stage very quickly so instead of wandering on in a clump slowly, when we're supposed to be looking like we're in a hurry, I pause a moment and rush on a little later like I'm in a hurry, and late- you know, like a reporter would be.  I like that scene; where Denise and Shelly and Katherine and Patrick and I vie for Birdie's attention; wonder why he doesn't speak for himself, get cynical about the stories we're given and then give in to the hype as good Americans.

It's quite cynical, really, using America the Beautiful to cement the idea that stars are marketed to us with pure lies.  Like later when Shelly marches on with his Uncle Sam outfit and we do it again; using patriotism as a cover for idiocy: "See how brave soldier boys of yore said goodbye as they went off to war..."

It was the realization that Elvis' service was publicized to get Americans ready for Vietnam that hit me during this show.  What else would they be doing in 1957, of course?  And Birdie's putting that in front of them so soon after the fact?  Who noticed?

After being convinced by the marketing of Albert I go back offstage and my next scene was as a Dad.  I was assigned to be Harvey Johnson's Dad and Lucas was a great kid.  He's actually not a kid but he seemed like one; so he's an actor- like Heidi and Patrick; able to play very young.  Lucas was hilarious from the start with his Harvey Johnson voice-change singing role; but the audience hardly noticed.  We in the cast loved the joke and his delivery but by the time audiences were seeing us, the kids were so off the chain that his performance was barely noticed.

And then of course there's the fact that I stole the gag for later in the show, using a hiccup-like sound as he had for my own line.  What a brilliant touch, expanding the voice-gag of an adolescent's changing voice into a genetic speech impediment- but nobody cared too much about that in the audience either.  The show was so full of schtick and energy that they couldn't laugh at them all.  Each performance different jokes caught some laughs and it was interesting to see which ones brought a reaction each time.

As a Dad, I stood behind Lucas and Kai and we adults were barely seen until the kids starting running to the left and the right- a good choreography touch so the audience could see we adults starting out perplexed and ending up won over by Birdie's antics.  There's a picture of me, caught while running into the clump and I love it.  I just wish I hadn't worn my own hat that day, but one of the darker ones...  Each day some of the costume elements were used in different places.  Looking back I think I should have had a buff hat with the overcoat as a reporter and a dark hat every other time.  That scene was exhausting; falling on the floor twice a day a couple times.... really fun.

As a Dad, I made sure and wore the argyle sweater, but it wasn't nearly as nerdy as I wanted it to be.  And I wore glasses as a Dad, and not as a reporter.  I liked having physical things to do as a reporter; licking the pencil; writing, flipping pages and wandering over to catch an earful of the malarky Rose was selling on the other side of the stage.  Then as a Dad I loved copying Manny's perplexed and staid arm movements while encountering the Birdie hysteria for the first time.  He's such a natural.  As a reporter his comments were ridiculous- which of course is great.  That crowd loves them some schtick.

After falling over, bowled over by Birdie- I was Harvey's Dad with one line- with the voice jump- and with John in a bit backstage (before that) with a funny line about a crowd member in a wheelchair.  Nobody laughed their either.  Unless a joke was over the top there was no audible reaction.  But I found hilarity throughout the show and hope some people out there did too.

Then there was Maude's Roadside Tavern and Erin the Director's brilliance in putting me out of my misery- otherwise standing there with nothing to do- by having me be a drunk passed out at the bar.  What a great idea.  She's a natural too- and the only reason I'm now in shows, I think.  If it wasn't for her seeing something in me that isn't apparent to everyone and maybe not apparent to anyone else in the Evita audition; I wouldn't be here.  I don't know where I would be.

Cole, Patrick, Manny and I started as the quartet and then due to Manny's troubles another brilliant Erinism emerged.  In our production, Gloria stayed in town and hung out with the drunk Shriner at Maude's.  And she does her best to be noticed at the TV live show.  Brilliant.  I don't think she's in the sequel; but why not?  If Mama can be the former star why can't Gloria be the future one?

'Tis the Season 2017

It's December 1st and I'm once again enjoying Christmas music.  It's a little different this year: I'm mainly interested in identifying the artist and then I can move on to another song.  The lights in the palm trees are nice; and on houses.  I think this year it doesn't seem like last Christmas was just a few months away.

Thanksgiving was great; at Disney.

I haven't collected my thoughts about Bye Bye Birdie but happy to be working under another director, a familiar choreographer and musical director, making new friends and seeing past colleagues from Evita also; now in Paint Your Wagon.

It sounds a little gimmicky; the first table reading yesterday.  But it's going to be a great show.  Some actors are working hard on their accents.  I wanted one but now I'm glad I don't have one.