Saturday, December 16, 2017

Lieberry Cell Phone Etiquette

Guess where I am?

Well, it's one of my Lantana satellite offices that's not a McDono's.

You got it.

It's the lieberry.

Having spent many hours in lieberries, I notice things here; and in trends.

Since the advent of the cell phone apocalypse, of course, as in all other places, people receive calls when they aren't expecting them.  But here, at the lieberry, there is a much greater percentage of people who state where they are.


Unheard response on the other end of the line.

"Yeah.  I'm at the lieberry."

In no other place that I can think of are people so eager to tell the caller where they're at.

Don't they know that people who don't frequent lieberries aren't impressed, and those that do assume their utility and awesomeness and therefore are also unimpressed? 

It's like telling people you went to church.  The church people don't care, and expect you to pretty much be there a lot.

The non-church people do not want to hear this.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Somebody just answered their phone on the first ring.

    It was that ringtone I hear much but can't write how it sounds. But if you heard it, you'd recognize it's not-too-annoying familiarity. It has a decade or so ago provenance but seems throwback rather than retro.

    Dee-dee- dum dum dum dum dum. That's the best I can do.
