Saturday, June 23, 2018

If we talk about TV the way we talk about nutrition

 Watching these very large people coming to Chipotle, it occurs to me that we eat too much.

As amazing as that sounds, people haven't figured that out.

Well, I say, goes one theory, that since I stopped watching Mysteries and started watching only cartoons I'm feeling much better.

Another person says that cartoons are good for you once you're 18 but they're terrible for child ren.

Somebody else says that they have no problems in their life, and they weren't cartoons everyday. They stopped when they were a teenager, and then they started again.

Hortense says that she's never watched cartoon in her life, yet she still has very ill health.

Tina is thrilled with her life in the way it turned out, and she watches a well-balanced program of all channels.

Rodger doesn't have TV, but he watches Sports in sports bars two times a week! That's probably why he's still helping.

Lindsey love soap operas, but since she started working at night and has to sleep during the day, her health has failed her. I'm sure it's because she doesn't watch soap operas anymore.

Monty is so healthy. It's because he only watches TV and black and white.

Separated at Birth, twins have been fed the same diet, and the same education, and the same familial structure, but with different TV schedules they've turned out completely different.

What if, rather than the programming that one watches, it's the length of time one spends watching TV that affects one's hell?

What if, instead of the type of food, it's the amount that matters m ost?st? ers ost ost ost ers hat hat hat unt unt unt unt unt unt unt the t's od, od, od, od, od, od, od, od, e of of ype the the d of of ead ead ead ead if, if, if, if, if, if, if, hat

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