Thursday, August 30, 2018

Neighbor lady

emerges, bandaged and braced, holding onto the wall.

She said she has to go inside before she gets dizzy.

She has the big gut we all have.

Photographs tell us this is new.

Nobody sees these big guts on everybody?

Ladies here, daughter bigger than the mother, both huge, and me with my salad.

Pass for a month. Try it.

This picture, mom took yesterday.

I seem to have the need to return to the scene of the crime, here today not eating bread but salad.

I remember going to restaurants with people who didn't want to be there. And it just seemed the worst thing in the world.

This other mom and child, or having more fun, lost in their fat.

1 comment:

  1. The crowd here at Separate Tables is talking about Aretha Franklin and John McCain's passing.
