Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Improving the brain by being outside

First of all, there's the idea that we were meant to be outside. Are there such a difference between what we used to do and what we do now, that I think it's kind of silly  to think about whatever is naturalist and say that we should do that.

What time. Do we go back to? The time when men were Kings and the age was gold? The time when we use horses and Buggies? Okay. But was it horses and Buggies with gears and cogs? Or before? Or do we go back to caveman times. Which is the time named for where we lived, which was a dwelling, and in which we live now.??

So my aunt said, that being outside improved one particular part of brain function. I don't think it was cognition, because I think cognition involves responding to stimulus. And I think responding to stimulus is what we do with brain games and what I do daily.

That my uncle mentioned something like metadata, which was probably meta something meaning brain function in general. I'm not sure.

What I notice about being outside, is that there are lots of stimuli that I don't have to respond to. So it's not like inside, where everything stays motionless except what I control. Inside, maybe a pendulum swings, but I would have to turn that off. Remember those crazy cats tails? That looks like Felix the Cat? Where the cat's tail swan one way and that eyes went the other way?

I wonder if Felix the Cat got any royalties. And I wonder if anyone ever made a clock where the eyes one differently maybe in two directions are the same as the tail. Tarrin Lupo the YouTuber and I can't believe text-to-speech knows who he is, has some of them in the backgrounds. But those kind of movements stress me out. But outside movements, Birds bugs leaves wrestling and buzzing are stimuli that do not call for a response. So maybe stimuli that my brain knows is okay, and cognition doesn't need to be involved, improves well-being.

Inside I control whether the TV flashes. Outside, I let the wind take over. And then there's also Shadows and maybe in the wind and the shadows I find something that I need.

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