Thursday, May 2, 2019

Real Coffee - Episode 516 Scott Adams: The World’s Dumbest Tweet AOC, It’s a Doozy

1 comment:

  1. Millions of people think oil is bad; no matter what else is mentioned. So AOC did not lose any credibility with those people. Most of them drive cars. But that doesn't matter in their world view. Most of them think animals are good, and eat animals. Most of them say "Orange man bad."

    Last night, someone told a joke that hinted at pedophilia- a teenage boy getting educated by a teacher. The listener didn't think it was funny- no problem there, humor is subjective, and people who think a 16 year old shouldn't be doing something with an older person- well, they get no argument from me.

    But what followed was so sad. She said the joke wasn't funny, but maybe if it had been about priests abusing children, it might have been.

    We've got a civilization built on destroying the foundation of Western civilization, who are standing squarely on the shoulders of it, and completely benefiting from it, with no alternative foundation on the horizon. Disliking something because it is popular, or used to be understood is not anything to build upon.

    Neither is picking and choosing from anything alternative.
