Thursday, November 28, 2019

Life In Jars? Huge Natural Saltwater Ecosphere - 4.5 month update - So much life! A co...

Life In Jars?

1 comment:

  1. When I first saw Life In Jars? on YouTube, the gentleman seemed like a hermetic 50 year old with a great sense of humor and serious storytelling and video editing skills. But, I find out he's from the Netherlands, and not using a voice modifier and he's 18. His intonation is similar to The Golden One (he has several names- he's a wrestler or something, Swedish) when he gets to an eeee sound. Suddenly The Golden One sounds all gutteral, but Life In Jars? guy sounds like that all the time.

    He says he had a pinball YouTube channel. But I haven't found it yet. What he does is show the little world of animals found in water. So funny though- not trying to be a comedian but hilarious to me in a laid back informative way.
