Sunday, October 18, 2015

Looking Back - Song for Diana Ross

I was listening to Diana Ross hits and comparing them to some of her other songs and I thought that her voice is much better, but in the same style, as many top pop singers today.

So I tried to figure out what makes a hit for her.  It's something to do with her interpretation of lyrics.  She takes a phrase that is something one might say, and turns it into art.  The lyrics are usually simple, but they say a lot.

So I wrote a song for Diana Ross to sing, and here is one verse.

I'm so often convinced that I can't write a tune without copying another, that I haven't really written too many songs; but many fragments.  Notes only have so many variations, so I never have confidence that I'm not just riffing off of something I've heard.

Looking back, I see the times I failed you.

Looking back, I know how hard I tried.

And I know, in my heart, I'll always be a part
of you, as you go
as you grow,
Wherever life may take you now.

I pictured Diana standing in the wings as one of her kids is about to get married and fly the coop.  This was a few months before Evan announced his wedding.  I didn't really know how many of her kids were married at the time I made up the song.

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