Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Goal Check

Two thirds of the play is complete.
(Bye Bye Birdie - Lake Worth Playhouse)

It's been a week since I went to Disney.
(Withdrawals have not ensued.)

Money is still in Mom's accounts.
(I can't decide if it's going fast or hanging in.)

Mom starts Boynton Beach today.

Beach house- well, I've seen some ads.

Dog- contingent on new lodgings.

Social- going pretty well.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Thursday Thoughts

It's Friday.

And it's been quite awhile since I've had a job where Friday was anticipated as the best day; the end day. of the week.

I don't feel any TGIF at all today, and that doesn't bother me at all because I rather feel TGIA.  Thank God I'm Alive sounds much better.  Why should I wait for one day out of seven to be grateful.

The play is going well, but last night was weird.

It felt so good getting back there; getting back to business and doing something for once that I know I should be doing.

I went to Epcot.
I saw my place for the first time since after the hurricane.
It was great to get out of town.
And it was great to be back.

But then the show started.

And it was weird.

Somebody's shoe flew off.

Somebody fell and skinned their elbow.

Somebody went to pretend to fall and really fell.  Somebody else came in for a cue way early; and it was kind of my fault- a miscommunication.

But our quartet sounded the best it has.

I'm looking forward to a performance in the future in which people aren't afraid to try; to be told pointers, to take direction and to disagree.

I wonder when that will happen.

I realize that when someone doesn't agree with me; I'm hurt.  This is an emotional problem; not an intellectual one.  I don't want to live in a world where everyone already agrees with me.

Rather; I'd like to convince them.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Dr. Moreau's Island of Lost Souls, Fast Food, and Two of My Eras

Cletha, the only true vestige of my past life, has been committed to a four-story island in between a Popeyes and a former Pizza Hut, a Taco Bell and a warehouse store.

I could visit, or just circle through the driveway casting spells that don't reach past the car window.

(Three rotations clock-wise, 1 half-rotation back; go in and eat a little something then drive away in disappointed distraction thinking "Squirrel!")


Cletha is the lady who lived upstairs who thought I was moving the furniture around.  She also raised me but I just met her because I didn't realize her personality had been reflected in two women I'd love to ignore OR engage with in a positive manner:  neither was a possibility, therefore setting up a disappointing choice no matter what I did.

I can't control it.
I couldn't change it- or at least didn't.

Pizza Hut and Taco Bell represent two periods in my life:  both involve my parents.  (Of course, everything in life involves one's parents; particularly if they don't know them.

Pizza Hut is a place I liked to go with my parents let's say when I was between the ages of eight and 15.  This would encompass Westgate through Sylvester through Briarwood through Tavares Cove; from Pixie Private School through Conniston through John I. Leonard.  That was a time of many transitions, obviously; but it was happy as far as my relationship to my parents went.
I didn't think of them as old.
I didn't think of them as particularly anything.  They were there as supports for a life I was learning to live; a future that was bright.

Taco Bell marked a transition away from home.
 I don't know when I first knew about Taco Bell, but it doesn't appear in my memory of significant facts until college.
It was a place that I introduced my parents to; unlike Pizza Hut that was introduced to me by my parents; and once employed a cousin who pointed out the huge amount of oil in each pan, placed within before the pizza.  Delicious; particularly the Supreme.
The Supremes also figure there in my memory of this time as I realized that Diana Ross's career spanned three ages- the ultimate girl-group characterized by matching yet slightly different stylings; the solo Disco queen leading to pop superstardom icons like Michael Jackson (Diana Ross introduces..... and Ease On Down the Road), and the 1980s anthem stylist later to tour with frickin' Pavarotti. 

I took my parents to Taco Bell and my Dad faded into the background as my Mom insisted on paying.  She didn't have to insist to hard.  Because there was the .59 cent menu in place at the time; which was Taco Bell's main attraction for me, Mom mistakenly thought the cashier had only rung up the total for one of us; not the three she was expecting to pay for.

Thus was born my joke that at Taco Bell you can get a franchise for five dollars.

Now, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell are hooked up with KFC I think, and taking over my waistline and also China, which were also connected to me through the Freshman Fifteen and the beginning of my six semesters of Mandarin which happened soon after the Taco Bell incident.

Today the Pizza Hut stands empty.  I'm surprised there aren't drug activities there; but I don't think there are- and the corner awaits a Checkers; which is another name for a fast food restaurant that should have an apostrophe- like Popeyes, but inexplicably does not include one.

Reality moving from one city to another

So there's this guy I know from a former job and he seemed at the time as if he was sent to torment me in order for the universe to teach me a lesson about peculiarity, preciseness, placement, pickyuniousness and patience.

He's somebody I don't like the looks of, primarily because he looks like I could like, without much attention to how I look.  In other words if I didn't do anything to try to look good, I would look like that.  So on first impression, he annoyed me, without me knowing it, because he was like a funhouse mirror that wasn't fun.  He reflected a part of me or a future of me that I am trying to avoid.

Second off, this gentleman wasn't very gentlemanly.  He appeared to be brash and ignorant, unteachable and not listening; distracted by the little things but desperately searching for the answers to really big questions.

My classes weren't designed to answer many big questions, but I appealed to those types of questioners because I am one.

So, his questions sparked in me a resultant reaction of disappointment that I didn't already know the answers to some of these big questions; a pride when I did know the answers even though my employers didn't provide me the answers or the tools to get them- and a frustration with the difference between what my job was expecting me to do and what I actually wanted to do; which was to provide and learn answers to big questions.

Well this guy just showed up 400 miles away from where I last saw him; but in a location very much like the one in which I formerly worked.

So, that means:

1.  "Reality" isn't real.  I'm in The Truman Show, and I'm Truman and an actor has been recycled.

2.  This guy is connected to both cities I'm connected to- so we're more alike than I just realized.

3.  I'm seeing things because he wasn't even here; or alternately, he's just a guy that looks like this other guy.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Beach

Do you think it's a symptom of my rotten attitude that the beach last couple times has smelled like a rotten mass of water filled with fish?

I'm goaling to live on the beach but not have that Intracoastal smell.

At Peanut Island Saturday I toured Kennedy's bunker and learned that Lake Worth was actually a lake once upon a time.  Peanut Island came about as the land was removed between what is now Singer Island and what is now Palm Beach.  Those were connected?

How long have I lived here and not noticed?

Friday, October 6, 2017

Thought on Food for Nourishment

Does the overseer of the genteel matron from the Big House provide lunch for the workers to sustain them in their labor by giving them what they need to live- food as nutrition or sustenance?  Or do they do that so we'll all work another half day in a stupor and dependence that improper food provides?


After years of refusing to compromise in any way, the number of staged events promoted by the mainstream media has increased to a point that the NRA won't lose memberships if they allow a little compromise.

This makes the liberals feel good and the libertarians nervous.

If you think of all politicians as in the pocket of the controllers and you think the controllers are evil; this isn't good at all.

With a two party system, where are the diehard NRAers to go?  Of course this is going to lead to a weaker second amendment- which I'm not sure is a good or bad thing.  But this pretending to be against one another to get what you really want is so annoying.

We've seen it before.  Pepsi and Coke started the Cola Wars to crowd out the competition and they keep each other in business; just like Publicrats do.  (PublicRats is the combination of Democrats and Republicans for those of you who think there is a difference.  It's like pop music and country music.  Right now contemporary Country music sounds like satire to those that don't like it; just like Fox News does to people who don't like it.  But a few decades from now we'll all see how overdone and dramatic Pop is too- just like Democrats.  They say what sounds good; but when we all see where they are leading us we will look back at them in disgust.  Remember Vietnam, and the KKK and all kinds of things that sounded expected and normal at the time but now we can see that they were just plain wrong?  Who moved the society in such a way that these things were able to happen?  It was politicians who sounded like they knew what they were talking about.)