Thursday, October 12, 2017

Reality moving from one city to another

So there's this guy I know from a former job and he seemed at the time as if he was sent to torment me in order for the universe to teach me a lesson about peculiarity, preciseness, placement, pickyuniousness and patience.

He's somebody I don't like the looks of, primarily because he looks like I could like, without much attention to how I look.  In other words if I didn't do anything to try to look good, I would look like that.  So on first impression, he annoyed me, without me knowing it, because he was like a funhouse mirror that wasn't fun.  He reflected a part of me or a future of me that I am trying to avoid.

Second off, this gentleman wasn't very gentlemanly.  He appeared to be brash and ignorant, unteachable and not listening; distracted by the little things but desperately searching for the answers to really big questions.

My classes weren't designed to answer many big questions, but I appealed to those types of questioners because I am one.

So, his questions sparked in me a resultant reaction of disappointment that I didn't already know the answers to some of these big questions; a pride when I did know the answers even though my employers didn't provide me the answers or the tools to get them- and a frustration with the difference between what my job was expecting me to do and what I actually wanted to do; which was to provide and learn answers to big questions.

Well this guy just showed up 400 miles away from where I last saw him; but in a location very much like the one in which I formerly worked.

So, that means:

1.  "Reality" isn't real.  I'm in The Truman Show, and I'm Truman and an actor has been recycled.

2.  This guy is connected to both cities I'm connected to- so we're more alike than I just realized.

3.  I'm seeing things because he wasn't even here; or alternately, he's just a guy that looks like this other guy.

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