Friday, October 6, 2017


After years of refusing to compromise in any way, the number of staged events promoted by the mainstream media has increased to a point that the NRA won't lose memberships if they allow a little compromise.

This makes the liberals feel good and the libertarians nervous.

If you think of all politicians as in the pocket of the controllers and you think the controllers are evil; this isn't good at all.

With a two party system, where are the diehard NRAers to go?  Of course this is going to lead to a weaker second amendment- which I'm not sure is a good or bad thing.  But this pretending to be against one another to get what you really want is so annoying.

We've seen it before.  Pepsi and Coke started the Cola Wars to crowd out the competition and they keep each other in business; just like Publicrats do.  (PublicRats is the combination of Democrats and Republicans for those of you who think there is a difference.  It's like pop music and country music.  Right now contemporary Country music sounds like satire to those that don't like it; just like Fox News does to people who don't like it.  But a few decades from now we'll all see how overdone and dramatic Pop is too- just like Democrats.  They say what sounds good; but when we all see where they are leading us we will look back at them in disgust.  Remember Vietnam, and the KKK and all kinds of things that sounded expected and normal at the time but now we can see that they were just plain wrong?  Who moved the society in such a way that these things were able to happen?  It was politicians who sounded like they knew what they were talking about.)

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