Friday, November 20, 2020


Usually it seems like people don't notice McDonald's prices. but every once in a while somebody who doesn't eat here very often, comments on how fast food is very expensive. And then of course I want to point out that there's a dollar menu. I mean really you could order three cheeseburgers for the price of one bigger one, or maybe more. And you can always add extras pickles and onions if you think that'll help your hunger craving, and those are free. But let's face it, everybody eats too much. Anyway so I ordered something different and the price was higher than I expected, so I had the cashier read the prices out to me individually because the total seemed too high. And lo and behold, somebody after me was confused about their price as well.  It really doesn't happen very often at all, and additionally, this was the second time I've heard somebody order a cheeseburger without cheese. He ordered three cheeseburgers one of them without cheese!

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