Having live plants at my feet to provide oxygen; a cooling breeze indoors with a little light to type by but plenty of shade; water and lemonade to cool my lips and refresh my spirit... I come across that word again. I know it has to do with luxury but it doesn't sound anything but cannibalistic or at least hedonistic sexually. The internet tells me that the word's popularity spiked around 1850 and is really high right now. Really, come on. It's a biblical term and very few people even realize that the Bible used to be the source of about half of English and new words are added so fast that the percentage is falling.
I don't think I'll take a survey but I bet if I asked 34 people today what a fleshpot is; one old woman would know.
Well that's all for now. I'm living high on the hog in Boynton Beach so I have to go now.
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