Friday, January 9, 2015


It's here.  It's America's favorite day of the week, today.

I never understood why a weekday would be the favorite.  But I think I get it now.  Anticipation is not a logical emotion.  We look ahead the whole workweek, awaiting the weekend. 

We can't just think that whatever day it is, is the best, but it is.  What other day do you have?

Saturday is the perfect logical choice for favorite day of the week, if we posit that not working is ideal, and we dutifully compare each day to the others.  But it's that moment of leaving work and starting not-working that people really look forward to.  Friday is not the 24 hour period that involves the least effort.  It's the day that contains that moment of release and freedom when the anticipation has been realized, and the mind is turned toward the following two days of freedom.

I consider the working person, gliding on the wings of freedom out of the workplace to the car, the ultimate symbol of self-directed trajectories and its practical vehicle that will make those dreams come true.  A man and his car, or a woman and her auto, scarf blowing in the wind, top down.... are on their way, recklessly hurtling toward each other, each commanding two tons of steel, in order to get to TGI Fridays to eat fried food.

It seems much more logical to me that in the future, we won't spell it Friday any longer.  Etymologists can't even decide which one of two minor goddesses the day is named for, so let's anticipate a new spelling; Friedday.  If we ever stop eating so much fried food, and pick one day to splurge- that's when we'll do it.

1 comment:

  1. I've gone a day without fried food. I hope I've gone more than one day and I'm still in that Holiday Time fog and barely know what day it is. But I know I resisted yesterday.
