Monday, January 5, 2015


When I finished my last post, I realized that I don't even know where the name Tuesday comes from.  I wasn't even sure if it was named for Tue or named for a Tues.  But it's not really either. 

Apparently there is a deity whose name people disagree about, named Twia, Tyr, Tiw, Tew or Tiu, which all might be nicknames for Tiwaz, and it has been spelled a little differently from any of those into Tuesday and not much is known about this guy but he is associated with war and therefore, after Hellenization of the West, he then became associated with Mars.

The spelling is what gets me.  

How did Twia, Tyr, Tiw, Tew, Tiu or Tiwaz become Tue?

It's not surprising at all that there is a deity not much is known about, but it is surprising that since there are only seven days of the week, this guy must have been something special to somebody at sometime, but now there are literally hundreds of deities more well known and this guy gets a weekly commemoration.  

Speaking of spelling; we're having trouble in English with two, to and too, so we might as well add Tue to that list.  And since some people reckon that the week starts with Mon (rhymes with one), maybe in the future, Tuesday will just be To, as in the number, spelled with the future's simplified spelling of two, where I'm sure it's headed. 

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