Tuesday, June 28, 2022

A Step

 It's nice typing again; feeling the keys between my fingers rather than speaking to text-to-speech and wanting to edit it three times before moving on.

I always want to read what I wrote before leaving the app, or sending the message and I don't always but it just happens so often that the reader really has no idea what the sender has meant.  And it just seems like writing should be as clear as we want it to be.  Sure there are times when a little is written and holes are deliberately left unfilled, but if I'm trying to say something, I want that thing to be understood.  

In the lieberry, listening to the chatter, I think how unlikely it was for me to have had the job that I had at the Dr. Phillips branch in Orlando.  But it worked out.  Apparently I was a long shot for a couple people who didn't mind going out on a limb and trying something, and at that time- making a lot less and driving far, and working outside and not being particularly good at a lot of the job- I was willing to try anything.  And thank goodness it wasn't just another office drone job.  I think those people- by which I mean me- lose their soul so slowly that they don't know it.  And the OCLS job, and the Disney job before that were steps to me regaining it.

I just remembered how at church once, somebody was speaking to us; maybe a group of 20 or 40, I think a guy's Bible study before we split into smaller groups- and I felt something physical like electricity in my arm and it was concerning getting a new job at CNA which was then working for The Hartford.  It seems like I was there so long and why?  What came of that, and was it a step up or down or in or out- I guess not every step needs to be evaluated and there is always a mixed result.

Friday, June 24, 2022