Thursday, February 26, 2015

Foursday and Days of the Week Recap

Today is Thursday, but a Thur has no meaning, so here's a recap: 


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Computers vs. People

I used to explain to people that the main difference between computers and people is that a computer never knows what you mean.

For instance, I could ask you "What is today?"  There are many answers that would make sense to me. 


The day after yesterday.

The day before tomorrow.




February 24

The more I think about it: although it is true that computers are often only looking for one answer, and may never know what we mean-  What is a day to a computer?  What does February mean to a machine?  People are more like that than I'd think.  People are expecting to hear and see certain things also- and mostly waiting for the other person to stop talking so that they can start.

 Image result for robot man


The Miracle Worker

I'm watching one of the movie versions and thinking about Helen Keller; blind and deaf.  In the scene where her teacher tells the mother that Helen will only rise to the expectations demanded of her, the truth of the statement was so obvious.

Of course there were methods of communication unavailable to Helen Keller, but the battle inside is the same.  She needed to give up her desires for constant comfort and instant gratification enough to learn something and only through that discomfort could she grow. 
Image result for helen keller

 516 × 465 -

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Standing On A Redlight

Standing On A Redlight

We see birds all the time here in sunny Central Florida, but until today I don't think I've ever seen one sitting on top of a redlight.  Do you think he noticed lots of people looking up in his direction, and if he did, did he think we were interested in him more than usual?

Image result for cattle egret white 1102x880

Dressing Like A Youngster

Generally, I wear solid color shirts.  Once, I was wearing a mainly red plaid shirt and a co-worker said that the style was good for me because it made me look younger.

After that one comment, the next time I bought a shirt, it was another patterned one; a plaid with mainly green and also a good amount of  blue.  It's probably the closest shirt I have to one that might be "in style."  If someone asked me to wear my least old-fashioned shirt, that would probably be it.  There's another "lumberjack" fashion idea making the rounds again and both shirts are somewhat like that in terms of pattern.

That shirt,
Image result for red plaidbrought about two comments recently, unsolicited.

A friend said "I like your shirt."

Some strangers, a group of four twenty-somethings, asked me when I was born.  They were polite, but nosy, and I asked them why they wanted to know.  Three of them were not going to answer, and were not prepared to be honest with a stranger about the truth; that they were discussing the fashion of a stranger, and then admitting it to him, but the fourth said that they were talking about when they get old, younger people will look at them and think that they are dressed in the fashions of a previous decade.

My clothes, the green and blue plaid shirt with khakis, seemed to them so reminiscent of old-fashioned apparel, that they were discussing me and applying their perspective on my clothes to their own futures.

One of them had on a dress.  From the front, you saw only her dress, but the back of it was so low that when she turned around, her entire black lace bra was visible.

Another one of them had dreadlocks down to his waist.  I tried to imagine how long it would take to grow hair that impressively long.

The third one had on a striped polo shirt that would have been perfectly in place at my high school in 1982, and cut off jeans shorts; that I guess have gone in and out of style since about 1972.

The fourth; the talker, had on very colorful "dress" socks, but was wearing them with shorts.  His conservative shorts were pulled down enough below his conservative shirt so that a little of his brightly colored underwear was visible.

Image result for red plaid blue green plaid

Oscar Night Predictions

I just love to sit with a paper and pen in front of the Oscars and write down my prediction for each one at the exact moment that the envelope is opened.

I usually get about half right.

This year, my prediction is........................ 55%.

Image result for oscar

Thursday, February 19, 2015


I used to say that my favorite days were those that were sunny and cold.  But I was talking about Florida cold.

Today it's actually cold, but really sunny.  It looks like a postcard sky, but it feels like Winter.

Image result for blue sky

Sunday, February 8, 2015

He Should Know Better At His Age

What a time to walk by and catch the middle of a conversation:

A woman is insistent that someone should have known better than to do whatever it is that he did.

The listener asks, "Well, how old is he now?"

She says "He just turned one year old.

"Well, he should know better at that age."

What in the world would you ever think that a one year old should know to do or not do?

Friday, February 6, 2015


It's that day again, people.  It's the very best day of the week.  Tonight people will race toward each other and go eat something

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

See It. Gotta Have It.

It was "bring a sheep" day here at the lieberry and a kid was crying.  He really liked one of the sheep and so he wanted to take it home.  Mom said "Well, I will tell your Daddy that."

I am trying to be more appreciative of lieberrys and museums.  I don't need to own it to love it.

Monday, February 2, 2015


  Sorry February-

According to a few online sources, the month is named for a festival, that was named for a deity.  There are a few versions of the Latin name for that festival; one of ritual purification and washing:


Februalia, also Februatio

Why are we still using this name?