Thursday, May 30, 2019

First Cofftea, now this

The perfect summer drink when lemons are not available  is unsweet tea and water  with a little orange soda. 

Amazing pic

From whirlwind World Tour

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Those little flowers

 Wish I never thought of is weeds because aren't little things more precious?

The color of these intrigues me because when I walk by quickly there's a blanket of purple dots below me, but when I look at them they're pretty much black. Here they look like the color eggplant or aubergine.

Text to speech knows the word aubergine.

M m Good

a little Fire and Rain Again

Coffee Break video: What 40,000 Videos Tell Us About The Trending Tab

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Richard Peary and Matthew Henson

Looking through National Geographic, I found some interesting information about the real life Richard or is it Robert the Explorer and Matthew Henson.

In the context of with its racial and respectability overtones, it was interesting to see Matthew Henson look black, and that they both had Eskimo lovers.

There's a picture of Eskimo women prancing in a line together. And these.

I saw these pictures at Greg's house, attempting to get my plumbing fixed in between ourselves for focus. No, Footloose.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

brilliant idea worthy of its own Coast

 post    Instead of saying the Rhythm, Clap The Rhythm, and then everybody knows when they're coming in late or early are wrong.

Play notes

 So, I'm going to do something I won't be able to do in the future.

I'm going to put out here in the public, which so far it's just me, my notes on my latest play.

Nice touch, for today's ad&d audience, to introduce the main characters right away. She's right to think that giving people somebody to focus on from the beginning is good. And then later, I think two lines have to be changed but who cares?

Also at the beginning, like with Flashdance, there's going to be some visual references to the movie. Maybe two both movies.

In groups there is the tendency for rehearsal to start late, and for the liter to have to interrupt a lot of chatter, but I think maybe instead of going around the room and saying everyone's name, another way to start would be to get everybody moving right away instead of talking right away.

I think everybody should keep a pencil between their teeth so that they don't talk without realizing it. There's so many people who talk before they even realize that they're opening their mouth. This way, the pants will fall in the floor and I'll stop. For a second, and I know have to put the pencil back in their mouth.

When idea I have, is to immediately put everybody on the stage but divide them up into groups, like Pink Ladies on the left greasers on the right or jets on the left sharks on the right or kids on the left adults on the right. I think Maya doing the same thing ie everybody get on the stage that's an action perform together right from the start. And then those subgroups need to be formed quickly as well.

Before rehearsal, send the tracks to everybody with only their part and send the music to everybody with only their part.

Also send everybody a copy of all the music imprint and audio. Have them practice the music before the first rehearsal.

Having a company track of me saying what I want them to learn about their track. For instance, these notes are all the same so it's very easy to go flat. Raise your eyebrows and keep in mind that you want the notes in the series to all be on the same page. Or, the words are all the same except the first line ends with this word in the third line answer that word.

On the word silent so is the first time you hold any note. Stuff like that.

How is do the words without the notes, if the words are tricky. Everybody talk together without the notes but with the Rhythm and the pronunciation that you want. Don't forget pronunciation and don't just teach notes. Pretty much all the notes have words accompanying them, so don't forget that.

Emphasize that people need to pronounce the same words the same ways. And of course the difference between how we say words and how we sing them.

The first time you play a difficult Passage have everybody sing it slowly.

Monday, May 20, 2019

The best thing about McDonald's

There is familiarity, which I used to think I loathed, but that must not be true, but it's the flavor of the sauces. Lots of places have good hamburgers and lots of places have good salads and grilled cheese and good English muffins if they serve English muffins, but not everybody has the delicious sauces.

McDonald's mistake

 This grants used to be really nice, but it's not. They're really slow, and there's always a lot of people working here. Or here getting paid that is, and it's disconcerting to see the kitchen thank you because if you haven't seen kitchens, they appear dirty even when they're clean. Because to the public, clean means uncluttered and aesthetically pleasing.

It does have seating at different heights, and I think that's a really good thing that kids like. I think I McDonald's should have seen at different levels and something for kids to play with. There are the Disco Mosaic tables oh, and the Mosaic light walls, and light up tables when you touch them, and computers and of course play places.

And made mistake of McDonald's, is that they don't have enough crackers, because apparently manager come to understand that people go into fast food places to use bathrooms. At the bathrooms not crowded, and if the bathroom is Pleasant, they will certainly stay and order something or order something to take away with them. Dab. The only business that's realized we need more bathrooms is libraries. But once the mucusless diet hits, we're going to need lots more crappers.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Photograph at Boca Museum of Art


Avengers endgame

 the trans McDonald's, or formerly known as trans on Congress had t-shirts for the newest Big Thing, Avengers. I think it's over, but it made a splash.    I continue to be amazed at the difference between the little plastic figurines, and the superheroes depiction in photographs.     Hello, you can see that Tony Robbins does look like the Hulk if you color him green. And you can see that Sutherland is a white male, as is Thor who has a modern haircut.

I want to dance with somebody and sat adversity score

 yesterday, I heard about the SAT diversity score, and I'm afraid identity politics is going to be embedded there. I've known for a while that cultural references are a big part of reading comprehension, and vocabulary and spelling, but this could be a problem. Then again, maybe it's needed. I don't know.    I was listening to the Jolly heretic talk about low IQ scores in Ireland and maybe that's because all the smart people left, but I just have a hard time thinking people are equal in intelligence even though I know people aren't equal in any area. It just seems heresy to think such a thing. And just now, I heard I want to dance with somebody sung by a male. I never thought anybody would sing that song except for Whitney, especially when the sheriff dancing around in Orange County in celebration of the pulse Massacre and her lesbian self what's the mascot for the killing.

Museum of Art Museum of Art

 Free today, with only one way in.
New sidewalks around the building, only locked administrative and delivery doors.

The birds on the empty grass space, had the best idea. The sun is free every day, and they liked the blue sky.

Today I heard again, about the theory that language is start with words for dark light and red. And blue, and other words are  later in development. And I remember the researcher, wondering if his daughter would know that the sky was blue even though it had never been mentioned to her. Now, in books and movies and conversations that took place without his knowing, or remembering, unless he kept her in a box, why would he think such a thing?!

This museum has a lot of decorative things in it, the but hardly anything that I would call Art. So I suppose that means, that aren't stands in a tradition and isn't just meant to look good.

There are some African things here, and I think they are very artistic, however the people that used them, probably thought of him as not art but as religious utility.

I'm wondering how I see these items, with so much cultural history, as art, but these things meant to stand around and be art or meant to hang on the wall don't seem artistic to me at all.

I was trying to find some things that interested me, Among this art, and did notice that some things are interesting just due to their size. A big poster on the wall catches the eye, and I suppose a little tiny statue or a big one, what do the same thing. So it struck me that in order to make a piece interesting, the contacts could be created, assuming the same thing, say a shape of any kind, from any size from Rice grain to building and all of them in between.

Without inserting the context myself, these things have no interest for me. This artist. Something similar perhaps.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

daily part and Joshua

Another beetle

1 Bluegrass song

Buy to Sonny's, it will be a while. Joshua Joshua

I'm guilty

Frank Lloyd wrong dark dark wood and light wood, golden and stainless steel plates gold pans like a fake Miner spending more for a brown paper towels to look at country. And charging double.

Love in the first degree good sauces here and at Smokey Bones the other day.

At the Sonny's by the McDonald's in the bowling alley I'm a quitter Road. No, Lake Worth Road.

Rod Stewart
And the Beatles

And expert sweet tea commented on by the locals.

Under my thumb

While My Guitar Gently Weeps sure thank you

Why don't you mean this cheap meat, remembering that red chicken meat done with smoked, and a good turkey and the bad everything else, no the wings are good especially the white vinegary sauce that didn't ring up as an item, or rather they needed a entree to use the coupon.

Remembering the sunniest smell like crap on OBT and the one that closed out by Pine

Johnny Cash
Get Rhythm

When you get the Blues

More rockabilly and old school vocals then I remembered.

Gold Dust Woman


Dixie Chicks Wide Open Spaces

 Son of a Preacher Man

 that song that mentions sweet tea way up yonder past the caution light

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

primary colors

Looking at those little weed thingies, I am thinking of how we see one color which is really a combination of several colors. The weed I'm talking about, is a little almost black circle surrounded by a few tiny white petals, but when I glanced at it and passing it looks purple.

So that leads me to the TVs, which are red green and blue but form every color we can imagine. I never saw the TV which actually had yellow, and I don't know if they make it anymore. But I must not have been very different than the others.

Last night for trivia we learned that pool balls start with the primary colors and that Google logo starts with the primary colors. And calling this color blue, are Minute Maid at McDonald's are using primary colors. But how it can be different on TV, with green instead of yellow still blows my mind.

I suppose it's related to how close the blue purple and violet or indigo are close to one another because in theory they would have to be a balance except I suppose we only see part of the spectrum.

suddenly rich

 hard to believe

Thursday, May 9, 2019

this audition

 was the first time
a musical director asked how high I could sing.

I think in auditions,  I will check the range, low and high, and have them sing the most important phrases,  like "It's my
wedding day!"  Right there while I have them there. 

Rachel held Evans

 so, the new Christianity has its music, and it has a new martyr. It's probably not an Illuminati slaying but it's always good for movements to have martyrs. Is he was so young to die. Gosh, text-to-speech, what do you do with people who don't have good diction?    Dying young is so awful. But then again, how would I know.             I remember I remember Alan, no Ellen and how Gene, no female Jean said that she had heard of her death. And it seemed to me, that of course you had, because it should be in every newspaper, and now I forget where she's buried. And I forget where Gina Berry too. No, where Gene is ferried to.   

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Lake Worth Playhouse


First of two days, sang new hair wrap no sang
They call the Wind Mariah
Never had this accompanist before

In the main theater, and somebody said awesome when I was done.

I could have been a little louder, and a little more natural with my movements.

ThenBanana Studio, I read for the coach and Wes, somebody laughed when I said my line as West, and I sound authorit, , , , ative as the coach. Daniel said good job Carl. And the director said awesome.

Talk to some people big in the south Florida seeing who I didn't know. Saw Alyssa from Bye Bye Birdie and her mom. Saw Hannah from Bye Bye Birdie, talk to G and Brian and Jill and saw lots of new young faces.

Sunday, May 5, 2019


So instead of practicing the song in the key I knew it was written in, or realizing it had a ridiculous range, before the day of the audition, I learned the words in the melody. Which is a great start.

Looking back, it would have been better to do an old song even though that would have been ignoring their instructions and they wanted contemporary. But you know, old song would have been better than messed up song.

Del Carmen, no welcome from Cabaret was a cruel joke on me since eighth grade. The queen is suggested it, was right on. But I didn't realize the joke until maybe High School. Maybe later. It was in high school, that k told me I'd be a great music Major. The day I broke my violin.

So if your comment, no welcome from Cabaret, where's my Young Frankenstein song Edition mess up. And it was pretty good for my Man of La Mancha and a Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum addition.

Blankenship told me he gets people ready for auditions, and I'm not sure why I don't get ready for them, except when I'm learning a new song. Sabotage, Maybe? But more likely other things on my mind.

The Pompano Beach Edition, no audition, was in a warehouse of costumes. I would love to look around in the warehouse of costumes at Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom again. I guess I should work there just for that reason. But there are other reasons too.

Seeing all those Christmas costumes at Disney, and all the character heads at Costume World in Pompano Beach, was amazing. And the Boca bound people so bored, or pretending to be so bored, except for Chad who sent me emails and Paul who tried to play the piano in the right key but I wouldn't cooperate.

I think he was trying to find Mikey because he thought that was his job, but I was thinking that it was my job to bring the key music in the right key. I hope you didn't think he wasn't doing his job. Because it was totally my fault.

I guess I'm supposed to take more time meeting the panel when I audition, but they act so disinterested, is it my job to get out of there quick or to make them interested, or two act interested despite their uninterest. I guess that's it, like you would for a job interview.

They're just not prepared I guess. So it comes down to either who they know already, or who can Peak their interest in such a dumb scenario. You know, entertain me I'm the emperor, which is the worst way to get good entertainment.

I guess that's it, so the thing is to be perky despite their completely unfair penis. No, I didn't say anything about that. Despite their inability to show any life. I guess they're just thinking about weather about to hear, like someone who's listening to a record. And not someone who's interacting. I'm surprised I didn't put this together yet. It's amazing that I've passed a few auditions without knowing this.

Paul tried in vain to make it a good idea soon, and by trying to figure out where we would stop, I knew he was trying to make it a performance, rather than just saying a few bars. But I didn't take his cue. And Chad asking me to stand near the piano was trying to make it better. And the other people just couldn't look like they gave a fish. But why do I think that's a personality defect? Instead of just the way they are acting at a particular time?

Abbas interviewing, no a boss interviewing, it's like that. And, isn't a music director, and a producer, and a director, each of them, hey boss? Hello. I need to think that way.

So I'm learning. And I keep getting opportunities.


Huge bush,
Azaleas, it looks like from far away. But actually bougainvillea. I don't remember seeing bougainvillea so full close to the ground like a normal shrub. Usually it's more like a Vine or even a tree. You know, with a trunk and leaves on top.

A genuine Skies stripe North and South/ Boynton Beach, and a Vestige a little further Inland North and South and maybe some other ones to the north and maybe to the South too, but disbursing.

Is that even a word? Dispersing.

how nice, Atlantis mm

 Wow, I said
How nice, a baptism
And that's what text-to-speech wrote.

So baptism didn't used to mean much to me, but I like it now, since they had the troughs at First Baptist Orlando and a little before that.

I used to think of it just as a symbol, and of course some symbols are important, or let me say all symbols are important in certain context, but I didn't think much of that one.

In fact, one of my best friends in college, I was thinking about it, and I made fun of how serious he was about it. So basically I was evil.

And, I showed my sinemet, no cynicism, in front of my secret friends.

But it's great to see a baptism today, and some people in the congregation really enjoyed it too.

The promise of New Life, flightfactor Redemption, no, life after death.

So I'm sitting here people watching, and it's almost as fun as people watching it just me. No, it's almost as fun has people watching at Disney.

Friday, May 3, 2019

This McDonald's Lighthouse Point?

On US1, no charm, open floor plan meaning no nux, rhymes with books and not enough varied seating at various Heights.

All of them are pushing the peach raspberry and fruit punch slushies buy Minute Maid. They have the kiosks,

And why check, but since America's constipated, only one Cooper. No Trooper no, place to poop.

well it's over

I couldn't find the key of the song, even though the accompanist was being very accommodating. Isn't it great that there was an accommodating accompanist?

I noticed an estheticians, no, I have noticed in past additions, now in past auditions. That the musical directors are coral people and not accompanists.

Is James is great on stage, and says he's terrible in auditions, and I believe him, I think there should be a better audition process that I will use in the future. Don't know what that is, but it's probably why people work with the same actors over and over and need to hear in a couple times before they cast them. There are good points to the system, since it encourages those who are persistent. But I think if I had not Edition for Aaron and I would have never been cast in Evita. And if that hadn't happened, I sure wouldn't have Edition today because I know anything about Pompano Beach, and they asked me to come back summation point, you know no they asked me too come audition.

The spelling errors are getting to me today. But when I think, of dictation machines, which richest recorders with variable speed, clearly text to speech is awesome. If one knows how to edit, which is asked of its going away. No a skill which is going away. But while I still have it, maybe I could use it.

There was a whole room of people they are, and the truth is, that if they ever see me again, they won't remember how bad it was. I don't think they'll cast me, but they could, if they're grasping at straws.

So to recap
I sang she's a diamond in their dog great lives for a Vita and choreographer said now, and the director said but he can sing. And a one-off became a thing.

I don't remember if the choreographer said she didn't want me, to the director that I shouldn't hear, at the end of the first edition, or the next day call back, at 4 the next day call back after the graffiti Edition, no choreography audition, I dressed totally different so they wouldn't recognize me. And it was a good idea, Brian or Richard didn't recognize me, I don't remember which one. I didn't wear my glasses, and I didn't wear my red Coca-Cola San Antonio t-shirt but probably a blue button-down.. Not sure.

I didn't go to the cast party because it was one of my mom's good days. And she went to the show by herself, and we sat by the intercoastal and talked.

Bye Bye Birdie, I think I was cast before I auditioned. Unlike Aveda, I did have music, and instead of Rodger looking at me like I didn't know what I was doing, Ed played Ed Sullivan in the wrong key, switching keys, just as I began to sing. But Aaron had said get up on the stage where you belong. And Kevin smiles and dance it's there.

The Bye Bye Birdie choreography Edition was bad, but maybe not as bad as the Evita choreography audition or the Camelot choreography audition.

At the cast party Aaron says, I'm going to cast you in all my place. Now plays. Not going to but want to.

Near South Carolina, I decided to sing coat of many colors instead of El Paso for the opinion Dragon audition. I think I was in before I auditioned, because Jodi who left, during Evita, had mentioned it several times, because let's face it, there aren't enough boys.

Then I got a couple calls, I got Jesus Christ Superstar and then send an email to Lynn for the next paint Your Wagon and then got a text for ragtime during that show, and then audition today with a Million Dreams from the greatest Showman.

Music Major, violinist, should have checked the key. Duh. I sounded good for a few measures, after five fall starts, and now it's over.

The shows I didn't get, where  blend Me a Tenor, for which I say no solo Mio and did a monologue call The Frog Prince buy Stephanie Fairbanks I think.

Because of my Facebook comment, I was already not going to be cast. But the people that were cast, probably did better than I would have. Or maybe I could have been the old man.

I did the Frog Prince monologue again from YouTube to Sean for the spelling bee on Heidi insistence. It wasn't good. It wasn't bad.

My Young Frankenstein audition tell me again with Ed, parents freaked out to play willkommen and I totally messed it up, and the choreography audition part was bad also but I felt a real sense of accomplishment just having auditioned, totally messed up, and being okay with it.

What I remember about it is that the Aveda addition took place in the rehearsal room and the Bye Bye Birdie Edition there as well, the Young Frankenstein auditions were on the stage. Richard was dancing really well, and Chris was trying really hard and there were lots of us. Trying to tap dance, and she just asked us to leave if we didn't want to tap dance so I sat in the audience with camaraderie, and thought I might get it but didn't, which makes total sense.

I took Alessandra to see Young Frankenstein and I didn't really want to be in it, just like Saturday Night Fever unless I just wanted to be in anything. I wanted to be in the old stuff, but I really did enjoy Saturday Night Fever and Young Frankenstein.

I got a free ticket from Catherine it must have been too.

Camelot Edition no Camelot audition, with that high flying adored? No I guess you're in Frankenstein was that. In my mind, I didn't audition for Oliver and half the cast came to see me in Jesus Christ Superstar.

But I have done welcome from Cabaret with Ed as an addition so that must've in Young Frankenstein and I did in rehearsal room, with Rodger, high flying adored, and talked about Evita and I need for no reason. Heidi

After Camelot audition what is Lynn University Paint Your Wagon and Madison today in Pompano Beach, 4 Boca bounds. Somebody tell me about Boca found but I don't remember who got it during Paint Your Wagon at Lynn. Was it Sean, for Andrew, who knows?

I like the other audition, which was hard to find, in south of my comfort zone, I'm glad I did it, and have no idea where it might lead.

I thought Jesus Christ Superstar would lead to other things quicker but you never know.

Pompano Beach take to

Yeah that's what I meant.

Just check out the last post to see how well I'm liking text to speech right now. And pick up a paragraph

I am pretty far south, but the theater community doesn't consider this very far south. I guess they think Lake Worth is the Tagalog Boondocks. But I did grow up in all the pop. No, holy paw.

This McDonald's has ducks, no Kooks, no Knox, no the little places you can go and corners and in different levels, it rhymes with books.

Nux. I give up.

I McDonald's should be like this, so that people can go if they want to sit with little groups, or alone or with their laptop where in a job interview or whatever.

This one has three Chihuly Rejects, and some other interesting lighting which looks like bear balls, no bear Bob's, no uncovered light bulbs that are coated with two levels of clear cylinders. It's kind of a mixture of Frank Lloyd wrong and the warm woul wooden dn't wooden Starbuck's and some brighter colors for no reason.

There's Collins for self order kiosks, no columns.

I think on the walls they should serve close up pictures of whatever they offer for sale.

Pompano Beach

Well this makes more sense.     I think I think the person that recommended me for this audition for the new musical Boca bound, well this makes more sense.    I well this makes more sense.    I think the person that well this makes more sense.    I think the person that recommended well this makes more sense.    I think the person that recommended me well this makes more sense.    I think the person that recommended me for this audition well this makes more sense.    I think the person that recommended me for this audition for the well this makes more sense.    I think the person that recommended me for this audition for the new musical Boca bound,

Thursday, May 2, 2019

McD's Insider

Real Coffee - Episode 516 Scott Adams: The World’s Dumbest Tweet AOC, It’s a Doozy

having trouble

 thinking that someone I don't know, or any choreographer anywhere, recommended me for a job. Well an audition.     That maybe Emily around would recommend But maybe Emily around would recommend me for a  no dancing role,   maybe a few would

 today at the ghetto today at the ghetto McDonald's, girls eating salad and fries and the new guy is still being a good worker, and the service was quake in someone's mopping yeah that's what I meant to say. They put extra sugar in my vanilla iced coffee without me asking. And boy is it good.    We got free dessert at Duffy's last night and split a salad. I feel the Chevy days are coming to an end. But that is only if I move. And what about berkis?   

Tim Pool - Fake News SMEARS On Pewdiepie Hurt ALL Of Us On Youtube