Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Matthew 7

Behavior and attitude.  End of the Sermon.

Verily verily

At this point, for most people in the world, King James might be more trouble than it's worth, but in King James, there are plenty of verilies in Matthew Mark and Luke but only John has verily verily. I don't know Greek, and I don't know John, but I bet he doesn't like it.

John the Baptist

In Mark, the ancient Baptist is a bridge for Christ to be known in Judea and Jerusalem, but Matthew, the more Jewish writer, includes the Gentile preaching to the Decapolis and Syria in his narrative; right here in the early Ministry.  I don't think Matthew mentions Jerusalem until the Temptation.  Topic for study- how does each Gospel view Jerusalem.

sky stripes

Whenever I see one, I think well it could just be the things I've seen since youth. But when I was small oh, I looked into the sky a lot. And when I saw a skystrike, a stripe that is, it was odd to me. And these days, I see tic tac toe across the sky and I certainly would have noticed that as a child. The sky stripe and I saw this morning has completely blown away into something I would never recognize as a stripe. So there could be many more of these done at night and I would have no idea.

sky stripe

Real low, and real close to here it must have it must have been sprayed about an hour ago and it's only 6:45 east to west

Matthew 6

How to feel about doing good; giving, praying, fasting, and then we're general things about how to feel about life in general with planning and outlook.  Continuing The Sermon on the Mount, including the Lord's Prayer.


Why Easter?

The daily devotional just gave me a thought. It said that Jesus is the only man who chose to be born.

Anyways thought, which is seeped into mainstream, it's very common that people say that we have chosen to come to Earth and then after that we will choose to come back or that we've chosen our parents.

Steeped in Christianity I just can't get behind that belief. Knowing the amount of control I have over this life kiss me no confidence that after death I will somehow control my very existence or that before this life, I somehow controlled it.

So it is startling to me to think how arrogant that thought is when contrasted with what Jesus did. And there's so many sin consequences of thinking we are like Jesus, and that's just a really clear expression of that belief.

Pride, pure and simple.

Matthew 5 continued

What to do in order to follow Law and Prophets concerning people.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Matthew 5th chapter

Sermon about the blessed.  Declares intention to fulfill the law and the prophets when followers do more than follow those two things.

Matthew 4th chapter

Wilderness fasting and temptation. Here Jesus claims to be God simply by saying that God shouldn't be tempted. Jesus goes from the wilderness to the Pinnacle of the Temple, then to a high mountain, to Galilee, Nazareth to Capernaum, gathers disciples two by two and is famous throughout Syria including Jerusalem and the decapolis.

Matthew 3rd chapter

John the Baptist preachers that there's more to it than being a son of Abraham. Since they can be made from stones. Jesus goes from Galilee to Jordan for his baptism.

Matthew 2nd chapter

More dreams, this time for the wise men as well as Joseph to avoid Herod.  From Bethlehem to Egypt to Nazareth.

Matthew first chapter

Matthew 1 - Genealogy from Abraham
14 generations to David then 14 generations to Babylon, then 14 generations to Christ; ending with the Virgin birth after a dream, called his name Jesus.

Saturday, March 28, 2020


There's a sign that they are going to close the pool on March 30th.


So just now, a little before 9 a clock I witnessed the loudest anybody's been at the pool parrot Pine Point Villas ever. There's this social distancing thing going on, but here, for the first time, there's a party at the pool.

Friday, March 20, 2020


Only wanting to do electric things.

Crayons, books, exercise and cleaning opportunities untouched.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Patrick's Day

I think this is the second time in life, that I've left the house without realizing it is Saint Patrick's Day.              This time, in the midst of coronavirus nonsense.               I remember telling a non-Christian, that st. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. And I wonder why I mentioned it. There's something about Western tradition, but I can't put my finger on it.


That more conspiracy theorists aren't using the name Corona as in crown to connect the royals to this virus. But of course, since the internet is nearly boundless, maybe YouTube is just keeping me away from such things. Or my laziness. Set time on Lee looking there.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

sky stripes

All up and down Boynton and I'm just about to sit outside to watch the show Barclays Romeo and Juliet

trying to get rid of three couches

I went online and some website put me in contact with three places. And when one called back, he told me it took $42 for him to get my phone number.

Friday, March 13, 2020

sky stripe

One little one.  Headed south from Boynton along the coast.  Double sprayers. Either a little plane or really high up.  But both streams really easy to make out.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

We Have a Choice

How we think directly affects how we live. This may sound terrifying, but, in fact, it’s exciting. Because while we may not be able to take every thought captive in every situation we face every day, we can learn to take one thought captive and, in doing so, affect every other thought to come. So what is the one thought that can successfully interrupt every negative thought pattern? It’s this: I have a choice. 

When we’re spiraling in noise or distractedness, we have a choice to shift our minds back to God through stillness. 

When we’re spiraling in isolation, we have a choice to shift our minds back to God through community. 

When we’re spiraling in anxiety, we have a choice to shift our minds back to God through trust in His good and sovereign purposes. 

When we’re spiraling in cynicism, we have a choice to shift our minds back to God through worship. 

When we’re spiraling in self-importance, we have a choice to shift our minds back to God through humility. 

When we’re spiraling into victimhood, we have a choice to shift our minds back to God through gratitude. 

When we’re spiraling in complacency, we have a choice to shift our minds back to God through serving Him and others. 

If you have trusted in Jesus as your Savior, you have a God-given, God-empowered, God-redeemed ability to choose what you think about. You have a choice regarding where you focus your energy. You have a choice regarding what you live for. You are not subject to your behaviors, genes, or circumstances. You are not subject to your passions, lusts, or emotions. You are not subject to your thoughts. 

No fixation exists outside God’s long-armed reach. Because we are a “new creation,” we have a choice.

When we think new thoughts, we physically alter our brains.

When we think new thoughts, we make healthier neural connections.

When we think new thoughts, we blaze new trails.

When we think new thoughts, everything changes.

God, I choose today to take every thought captive because I know You are more powerful than my thoughts, my circumstances, and my fears. Thank You for making me a new creation so that I can choose You! Amen.


 We hope this Plan encouraged you.  Learn more about GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD   by Jennie Allen. 

Monday, March 9, 2020

What a treat.

Website version of Blogger...

More options




Other stuff

The ability to control capitalization, and avoid love/hate relationship with text-to-speech.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Community Theatre

Double Casting
Not more than 4 days in a row
Keep cast aware of which scenes will be rehearsing when

Friday, March 6, 2020

sky stripes

A couple weird ones showing a lot of change in altitude diagonal across the sky I love Lake Worth probably.

Have You Never

Just noticed that the blogger app, won't let you post a video or at least not as easily as the web version.

Hearing have you ever been mellow, which is my first Olivia Newton-John song over the radio, for quite a while, it makes me think of her country career. And how she switched, I have some artists made that transition easier.

Also the phrase have you never versus have you ever.

And what else the songwriter has done besides marry someone with the same name as Ursula's Little mermaid.

Now why in the Sam Hill, would text to speech capitalize Hill and little above, but not mermaid?

And I think text to speech or the blocker app here, takes out all the extra spacing I put in in between sentences.

That previous post was from yesterday,

But didn't post to blogger until today.

Blogger should be capitalized.

sky stripes

North and South, West of Boca.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The cliffs at BB

actually about a foot high

in the continuing saga

Of people thinking I'm official or whatever, somebody wants to use the restroom, and she finds the door to be locked. So another customer says that you have to go up front and ask for them to open the door. So since I'm sitting near the front she asked me. Hello, go up front, like the counter where you order food from. I guess I just look official. I hate it when people try to get their kids to behave around me. It's like, no, I want your kids to be skipping and to be singing or whatever: not walking in a straight line and daring to be further than three steps away from you.

Monday, March 2, 2020

big sky stripe

From the beach, probably Boynton, and his way North into the West.