Sunday, September 30, 2018

Into the Night

 In my internal soundtrack, I've been singing Into the Night.

I think it's the line, get into a car and drive.

It's because I haven't had a car for 2 weeks.

It's wishful thinking.


Scott Adams episode 238, the Mandela effecters, and Doreen Dotan say we've entered into a new age.

An age of increased awareness about reality, sounds better than the post truth age.

The age of Messiah versus the age of alternated reality versus realizing were inside a simulation.

For me, it might just be that I'm older than I've ever been. Don't many people feel like reality has shifted when they reach a certain age?

If one thinks about reality, won't one notice the shifts? But if one is just living, the shifts could still happen but not be noticed?

Thursday, September 27, 2018

One reason

 I like McDonald's, a healthy alternative just suggested.

Red and yellow makes one hungry.

I think of bright contrasting colors like that, as childish. Well, childlike.

Clowns, circus animals, blocks, plastic toys.

Blue elephants, yellow and black tigers, orange lions, brightly colored magnetic plastic letters, bright shoes and socks.

Fasting journey Live Questions (sic) - A Healthy Alternative

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


 First place on Tuesday second place on Wednesday.

Road to Orlando

 And searching for a car, I clicked on the website, that showed me that I am 176 miles away from Orlando.

It also said it would take me 2 hours and 24 minutes to get there.

Boy, even with my stuff strewn all over the floor there, that sounds good.

It probably sounds good cuz I don't have a car.

Maybe next week.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Chances are Slim so what should we do you need to be somewhere at 4:30 what else you need to do to your bungalow

Monday, September 24, 2018

North Korea

 Good news, last time I cared about it, Trump was talking to the guy.

Before that, North Korea nukes could hit Hawaii or was it Guam, or the other way around?

I think it was Guam, and that didn't get enough reaction, so then they said North Korea's nukes could hit Hawaii, and that didn't get enough reaction, so they said it could hit California or was it the entire Western United States? Then the news trumped-up the fact that nukes in North Korea is dangerous, duh and that didn't get enough reaction, so then the Olympics were there and that doesn't make any sense at all.

It was like the thirties Olympics in Berlin hello! Why would we do that? If there's danger there?

And today, Scott Adams and episode 230 say that North Korean press says that they're going to give up their nukes and become a cradle of peace!

Obviously they lie, since they say their leader can jump to the Moon, but this is great!

They're saying something possible and positive.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Red wheelbarrow

 Williams Carlos Williams

The only problem I remember in its entirety, at least I hope I remember every word.

So Much depends
Upon a red wheelbarrow

Glazed with rainwater

Beside the white chick ens.e s e e he

Well, I know that text to speech at a problem.

The Raper from Passenack

This one wasn't in high school.

Page 99

Selected poems
Edited by Charles Tomlinson
A New Directions Book
Copyright 1917 through 1985

Man, I hadn't thought of it, but I would have guessed he wrote in the 30s.

The Raper from Passenack
was very kind. When she regained
her wits, he said, It's all right, kid,
I took care of you.

What a mess she was in. Then he added,
You'll never forget me now.
And drove her home.

Only a man who is sick, she said
would do a thing like that.
It must be so.

No one who is not diseased could be
so insanely cruel. He wants to give it
to someone else-

to justify himself. But if I get a
venereal infection out of this
I won't be treated.

I refuse. You'll find me dead in bed
first. Why not? That's
the way she spoke,

I wish I could shoot him. How would
you like to know a murderer?
I may do it.

I'll know by the end of this week.
I wouldn't scream. I bit him
several times

And there it ends without a period at the end of the sentence.

Ghetto McDonald's

 Apparently, they're not going to close it for a while, or even close it in sections. You pick a

They're going   renovate too ng and parts.

They smile at me, and gave me free food!

This comes on the announcement on The Ellen Show, that even oriental people can eat at McDonalds.

Oh, wait, you can't say Orion more.

H Oriental

 Remember Indians, amerindians, eurasian's, Native Americans, and Aboriginal Americans,

I also don't like the completion between white and Caucasian.

I think maybe, Caucasians were indo-europe and therefore their descendants are not all white. ans,

Anyway, back to McDonalds.

Pockets of the future just did a video on the campaign, that's supposed to be organic, of McDonald's attracting Asian customers.

I think, if I had seen the show on Ellen, I would have believed it.

But, it's only a official thing, with maybe a little bit of private impetus.

Speaking of fake news, I just listened to PewDiePie talk about Sabrina Williams.

Apparently, some of the cove really left out 1/2 or 3/4 of her behavior. rage


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

HELL MISSING FROM ANCIENT TEXTS??? - Video by Flat Earth Brothers

McDonald's and Coca-Cola

I heard today that McDonald's is thinking of bringing beef tallow back to fry the fries.

Recently I heard that Coke is thinking of adding cannabis extract as a new line of drinks.

There are only two marketing strategies.

Keep what's old and try what's new.

So, they're doing both.

Seeing the leaves

 I remember a dear friend told me that when she got glasses, she realized she could look up and see individual leaves on the trees.

Here's a picture of leaves, from outside the ghetto McDonalds.

Excuse me, that I-95 McDonalds.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


 Mention it first in his office with the three of us.


Kaye Cruz says there aren't narcissists, only entities.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Jungle Surfer and Dave Johnson

 I wish I knew what these people are talking about.

It seems to me they are doing literary criticism, but as if the entire printed word Universe was connected.

I think that there's value in thinking that everything is connected..

But why is everything a plot?

Two days ago hurricane Florence was headed for Charlotte.

So, it's helpful to look and see how those names have been related in the past?

Weather modification, Which is controversial, even if we assume it, why would they steer that hurricane for two people could notice in the whole world?

 ! Today I heard that the hurricane was in Ohio!

Crazy weather news stories change policies. But, is every policy change mean that the Noose is tightening?

This is victim consciousness of the highest order.

If everything is part of a plot,

Then we're helpless

Why would we even want to know?

Facing fear

 Jordan Peterson's YouTube

Thinking through one's past present and future is important to get one story straight, so they can move on.

Doing whatever we're apprehensive to do, Ware apprehensive to do, builds strength.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

By the beach

 We drove across the bridge towards Mar-A-Lago,

The water in the intercoastal was a deep blue, land dancing on the waves, we just a little bit of green in it.

I smelled the sea a little bit, and it was beautiful.

We looked at the Palm Beach art and La Renaissance.

Friday, September 14, 2018

McDonald's app

 At first I had trouble with it, but it seems to be working fine.

Today, it did something extraordinary.

I used one of the online coupons for free fries.

I also bought a McCafe. And when I went and looked at the app, even though I didn't use the punch card myself, the app figured it out and gave me credit.

When I saw Network

 I was young, but it spoke to me.

Now, it shouldn't come as a surprise for me to hear Scott Adams say

That the news people are disappointed that the Hurricanes not as big as they thought.

Today, it's much bigger than TV, but when are we going to say that we're not going to take it anymore?

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


 In the middle of the night
When everything is sleeping

The storm starts
And the veil of sleep

Lightly drawn

Pulls back abruptly
Just a little bit

And peace returns
Replacing the dream

That was just about to turn

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Another "Doctor's" Office

Somerset, don't even entertain the idea that they've ever miscommunicated.

I wonder if it's confidence building, to know with certainty, that the client or customer is always wrong?

CNN headline

 Trump's the best thing to happen to the book industry

Now come on CNN, you can't give him credit for that because if you start saying anything positive about him people want to know what channel they're watching.

The Clinton News Network went to fake news, and now it's saying something true???

I always wondered if I could actually affect the economy, and I guess they think he can. Lots of people think the president has to do with the economy, but they argue if it has to do with an immediate effect or years later.

I've heard people blame two or three 3 administration's back for the Great Depression.

Today people are saying the economy is doing well because of Obama and because of trump. And I think they did totally opposite things 2?

I also heard someone say yesterday, that the Trump Administration needs to be annulled.

I didn't even know that was a thing.

New word

 Apparently, a demulcent is a large Lounge- no, text to speech, a lozenge to relieve inflammation or irritation. So, I guess it's different than a lozenge with Menthol and camphor to relieve congestion.

I learned this in Dollar General, because they had a cinnamon flavor. Not only was it a cinnamon flavor, but it was a hot cinnamon flavor!

This seems counter-intuitive, but, like snake diet says, maybe Cayenne heals gut issues.

Maybe flossing cures bleeding gums.

How interesting it is that our body responds with what it needs.

I wonder if Arnold ehret is right, and we get our energy from Air. Surrounded by people who can't sing, cuz they don't breathe, well, it's only common sense that if we have any in a while, and we want to, that we won't breathe deeply then either.

Chocolate covered strawberry Kit Kats

 Dollar General, $0.85!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Today to the dermatologist

 Today's trip to Delray promises to be much better than 2 weeks ago.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Miracle at see e

Justin arrived.

Alessandra is on the way.

Fasting, food fast and otherwise

 I can say right now, that I just don't want fruits.

Listening to John Rose and common sense, I know that there are times when lots of fruit has served me well.

But, I just don't want it.

So, once again, I'm caught in between the idea of do we want what's good for us, or do we want what we shouldn't want?

Right now, healthwise, I've been fasting a little, from Friday night through to Sunday..

As many YouTube videos mention, it's a social aspect, that gets in the way of trying to fast.

I do think I'll start being social on Saturday nights, so my fasting through Saturdays it's going to change.

Doreen Ellen Bell Dotan says that it's good to fast the same time each week, and I see real very value in that.

At this point, what I want to consume is coffee. Every once in awhile, Coke is still really good, but this week it's coffee that I wanted.

So, here I am in Dunkin Donuts, with an iced macchiato. The gentleman behind the counter, a shift leader, said that it's the same as an iced macchiato and an iced latte.

New paragraph.

But, I can say it is delicious.

On the turnpike home from Orlando, with Jeff, I tried last coffee with caramel.

It was delicious.

Today in Hypoluxo, we talked about Ephesus and the temple to Artemis.

So, course I'm thinking about the two Diana's famous in my lifetime.

They both men allowed to me at some point.

And, I think they're both were very important for the culture.

So I started thinking about the difference between Artemis and Diana, and  I think Diana is the only  Hellenistic goddess whose name is still important. Of course it's not too long that Helen had some importance to. But, I think Persephone and Echo and Juno and Phoebe and Celine and Cleopatra, have probably lost their place.

But, you never know, the name Isis came back.

Politics in spite of myself

 I've been listening to Scott Adams with real coffee. And, it's fascinating.

There are other YouTubers, who must be turned crazy, they think Trump is some caped sav

As tempting as that is, because I just love superheroes, I just can't quite believe that that's t rue.ior.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Name explain, defense and Frigidaire

I'm watching YouTube today, and come across name explain talking about common words.

When he got to the word defense, it was clear that a fence is to keep things out or keep things in. A fence is for defense.

But it wasn't until just now, at 11:55 p.m., listening to the radio at 100.3 when I realize that Frigidaire was a nice way of saying frigid air. I never noticed that. I always thought of it like a 50s word like Bel Air or Cavalier or Deluxe. But never realize that it was so well named.

Thanks Steve Tyrell.

Trivia third place

We lost the tiebreaker, but it was a real surprise that we were doing that well.

We had one perfect round, but it wasn't the first round, which was a surprise.

Top Mexican baby names for men. Animals with the greatest gestation period. What city hosted General cornwallis's surrender to General Washington.

We've been lobbying for a third dessert, and we're getting one.

So we celebrated with the Chocolate Stout cake complete with caramel, fudgy icing and candied bacon.

The team who has a dog that sits in a chair like a person and raises his eyebrows and follows conversations won.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

House on the hill

 Bounding up onto the lawn, from the Pittsburgh style Hill, in the big blue truck, we broke on our way back into the family.

Mom shows up, friendlier to me than to any of her actual kids.

Big dog tries to kill me, baby ignores me, 2 little dog sweet as can be.

There's a hierarchy there with the puppies, and one is perceived as special so treated specially and the other one is treated poorly so ask for early. Or is it the other way around?

I guess like all siblings, we'll never know.

Is the same thing going on with the kids?

I have no siblings, but if I did, how could  it not?ot? d it not not it uld how id, id, id, id, id, id, f I f I f I did if I if but gs, gs, e no no e no no ngs e no

Home Depot

Home Depot

8 times the last 2 days? I think so.

Habitat for Humanity store twice, new, pretend Habitat for Humanity store twice, Lowe's two or three times oh, oh wait, that doesn't count going back there to return stuff twice or was it three times, I think twice. Then there is a old hardware store and then there's a really really old hardware store and one of them we went back to.

This is someone who I thought could help me?

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Old place

Alhambra, Katelynn the squatter, and a washer full of water.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Drug stores in the mainstream versus private

There's a particular prescription, available at Walgreens for $400. But I get it at a private Pharmacy for $10.

This is without insurance.

The price with insurance, at Walgreens, would be $14.