Friday, August 31, 2018


 It seems like the more you know about something, the easier it is to deal with. But I'm not sure if that's true.

Proofreaders needed

 Here's an example of a question YouTube ask me. And an alternate spelling of turkey by Subway.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Neighbor lady

emerges, bandaged and braced, holding onto the wall.

She said she has to go inside before she gets dizzy.

She has the big gut we all have.

Photographs tell us this is new.

Nobody sees these big guts on everybody?

Ladies here, daughter bigger than the mother, both huge, and me with my salad.

Pass for a month. Try it.

This picture, mom took yesterday.

I seem to have the need to return to the scene of the crime, here today not eating bread but salad.

I remember going to restaurants with people who didn't want to be there. And it just seemed the worst thing in the world.

This other mom and child, or having more fun, lost in their fat.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Wellesley, Lake Clarke Shores, and Florida Mango

 Funny how things are different when you're little.

Lake Clarke Shores, seemed to me like an island, like Hypoluxo, where my other violin teacher lived.

But, driving through there today, it's just like every other place in Florida with canals we won't be swamped.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Text to speech, again

I thought that these idiosyncrasies of text-to-speech would be okay to leave in my blog. Weird capitalization, and random Miss meanderings and so forth seems like it might be cute.

But it just looks wrong, and very confusing.

One of the reasons I'm keeping a Blog, is kind of like a diary so I can look back and see what I was thin years ago. king

But if I can't tell what I meant to type today, when I see these posts in a couple years it's just going to be annoying.

I already see Miss Spelling's and inconsistent grammar and punctuation and inconsistent capitalization and almost everything I read.

Here's an example from the book I'm rea about 1970. ding

Aparent isn't a word.

I don't want to create something today that's going to just annoy me when I read it next.

First pumpkin spice item

 Of the Season.

Or should I say since I live in Florida, and there are no seasons  that the season start s when the pumpkin spice items come out?

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Tonight at orchids of Siam

 Mom said and I quote,

Celery and I have a certain type of relationship.

We like to avoid one another.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Monday, August 20, 2018

What is wrong with this country?

Well, I don't intend to write a novel here.

But I will give one example.

Someone asked me with what I think was complete sincerity, for an example of a conservative pundit.

They listen to one video, or read one column, and then they stopped in disgust.

Apparently, this pondent, talked about Hillary pooping in her pants.

I have no idea if Hillary is ever pooped in her pants.

I don't care if Hillary is ever pooped in her pants.

But, all this person got out of it, was that the columnist or pungent or YouTuber apparently never heard that Trump is pooped in his pants.

Text to speech is putting is, but I mean has.

Tonight it feels

 Like me, and the other crazy driver, are the only two people on the road who are awake.

This is very sad, because there are a lot of people on the road right now.

I said the song for the first time in like 20 years.

Light show at McDonald's at the corner of Hypoluxo and Military

The first time I saw it, I was really impressed.

There's a light   at McDonalds.

 Now that I'm used to it, I think it could be a little bigger. But, the idea is great.

Ronald McDonald dances across the screen forwards and backwards. It's not exactly a moonwalk, and that's probably on purpose. But it does bring the moonwalk to mine.

In Mosaic fashion, with red and yellow and white predominating.

Then there are some blue hearts, and it's cute.

showhow ght s a re's

Sunday, August 19, 2018

The first I heard Aretha

 Since her death, here in McDonald's in Lantana or is it Greenacres, singing with George Michael.

I wonder what the preacher's daughter thinks of Heaven.

Fire and Rain

 The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, James Taylor, csny and the lost story of 1970

By David Browne, author of goodbye 20th century

Page 31 the Simon & Garfunkel go to the store to buy a sweater, and since the each one of the different sweater, they didn't buy any.

Really boys, you don't think you could have compromised on a sweater style? Or bought both sweaters?

Friday, August 17, 2018

Monday, August 13, 2018

Saturday, August 11, 2018


Two weeks in a row

 Trivia champions on Friday.

Do you remember

 What the inside of the gym looks like?

So do I.

New paragraph. It does look familiar.. o I.k o I.r o I.k o I.w o I.w o I.w o I.o do I. o do do o do do o I. do do I do o do


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Young Frankenstein Edition

Okay, I'm going to let the word Edition stand.

I forgot the words, and the dance wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Head to toe

 I just heard Lisa Lisa, and it brought back some memories.

Happy, dancing, Jumpy, Fun.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

How am I supposed to concentrate?

 Whitney Houston is singing Dolly Parton, and it's been long enough since I heard it, that I have to listen to every inflection.

But, I'm supposed to be memorizing High Flying Adored for my Young Frankenstein audition.

Once again

 I'm stuck between needing to go over every detail, needing to not think about it, needing to vent, and needing to move on.

Obviously, some kind of balance is required.

I think of dr. Jen telling me this, and I think good normal people, and I think about how I will do anything to never become normal.

Friday, August 3, 2018


 Sarah Storms are brewing in your eyes

Avanti on a

There was a turning point here, but we turned the other way.

I don't know what the future will bring about the rent for our biggest client.

You know, The Dowager empress.

So far, with rent, we've dodged a bullet 4 times?

Nothing is forever, but she seems to be talking herself out of success.

It's that inner dialogue again which is the reason for the need for rent.

If everything is drama, and everything is an emergency, well, you know.

It's exhausting to live one's life that  or to watch someone else do it. way,

Suddenly sad

 I won't be going back to that office.

But, do I really want to be ignored more? If they can't handle the fridge? Do I want to watch them with a million dollars?

Can I really help the lady looking for her keys while she has them in her hand?

I guess not.

That question is settled. But I didn't settle it.

Well, I kind of did. Like I kind of did everything.

I knew it was a challenge from the first Contact.

Then, with each passing instance, I realize things were worse.

The Revelation at the end was surprising.

No one asked me what I said? No one asked me what I meant? No one thought I had any input that was valuable?

This is the reaction from harpies who stand behind me while I'm on the phone screeching. That is, they are screeching behind me, while I'm on the phone.

Sorted in their careers, they think it's men's fault? It very well could be. But, I instantly saw things that would help. Like, Common Sense things that anyone would realize after 3 minutes of observation.

For instance, if one's going to use the spreadsheet, and if one is going to use colors, each color should mean a different thing.

I suggested an immediate Improvement, and she hailed me as a genius. Nope, lady, even the one-eyed man is King when he's in the blind Kingdom.

Every decision was based on emotion.

Room 210 and room 212 are very emotional towards one another. Therefore, there are two unprofessional people, unable to work together professionally.

Like two different baseball franchises, they each have a team.

Sharing a budget of $1000000 next year, portends a huge waste.

But who am I?

When she said we should buy salads at McDonald's for a dollar, why was she laughing? Because, she wouldn't make enough profit for herself that way? Who is getting the money? I don't think she's smart enough for evil enough, to use it for herself.

I think, they're just frittering it away.

Well, every organization is wasteful. And, that's because organizations are made of people. And people do things differently, and inefficiently, and crazily.

But, does that mean I should take their money?

I took enough.

Thursday, August 2, 2018


I realized today why people go to Publix.

Every other grocery store is cheaper in general.

Aldi and Save-A-Lot are cheaper across the board.

There's nothing you can get there, that you can't get at Dollar  or Aldi that's close in quality. Tree

Thanks text to speech.

But, walking down the frozen food aisle, and having the lights in the frozen food cases come on before me, it hit me.

People are going to buy food. They can buy it anywhere.



If the very store fixtures, are going to Bow before me and reverence, why not pay a dollar more per item?

After all, if I don't spend money I'm not really a person, right?

And he wants to spend a little money, when you can spend more, and feel even better about yourself?

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Breaking! Real news. Boynton Beach. Right now!

Right in front of me at Big Lots, a lady did the right thing.

She had just paid at the checkout counter, and then she walked toward the exit.

Looking through the bags in her cart, she noticed two items that she had not paid for.

So, what did she do?


The lreturned to the check outkout cou, with every intention to pay, and make things right. nter

They can't even

 One of them tells me to take meals home, and this is a barely thin skinned order, not a request.

The other one, takes food out of my hand, because someday they might run out.

Orders shouldn't run a business.

If you can't share refrigerator, why are you building a whole kitchen together?

The Whistleblower

Knows what's going on in room 2 10 + room 212.

But what is waist? And what is prosecutable?

