Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Paint Your Wagon Stage Directions - Before I Forget

So it's a great start.

I'm on stage with Christian and Michael and I suppose we represent the three Magi or something- young, old and middle; and then of course there's Bennifer- Simone and Chris.

I have one line in that scene.

The script is kind of slim on lines for many characters.

Then in scene three I pop in and out from behind my store - Salem's General; and join the boys to listen to and then join in Mariah.

Then there's the jury scene which goes into "Whoop-ti-ay" and that reminds me of my exuberant non-dancing aren't I dancing style which seems perfect for this and the last (Bye Bye Birdie) musical that I've done.

But to me; nobody else is doing this so am I cringeworthy or just imagining that I'm different or more likely... the only person in the history of musicals to do things right?

Then me and Mason run on second for "Coach Coming In" choreographed by Katie - scoot over as a bunch to make room for the girls- finally; and then we watch them dance.

Then we watch them dance some more and then- we watch them dance some more.  As Katie said it's weird that the girls aren't in the play much; but they sure do a lot of dancing while they're there.  You wouldn't think of the play being that much for choreography but there it is.

As something not performed much; I consider it a privilege that I get to do Paint Your Wagon.

There's "Can of Beans" that Kirsten pegged as "stupid," especially the part about the baby seal- and then we.... watch the girls dance again.

Then I come up for the scene with Janney gambling with Ben and that goes into just me and Brian and Aaron at the bar- Jennifer joins us; Adam, Cole and Mason run in and out; Cherry comes on and I have a few oneliners.

Then I get to move one of the five huge brown boxes with a door in it offstage and that reminds me of the only one other prop or set responsibility and that's at the end of scene one where I take off the bottle of liquor and the canteen by putting them in the bucket; as Katelyn comes on to take Michael off stage.  Boy it's dark when the lights go off- there, and at the end of Mariah and at the end of some other scene when one of those big wooden facades with a door in it comes creeping out of where I'm headed...

So that's it.

It's been three empty days without a show and we'll see who forgets what when we crank up again Thursday.

It's a privilege.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Are Taco Bell's Nacho Fries Worth the Hype? Report of the Week - Review Brah

46 Galatians 01 - J Vernon Mcgee - Thru the Bible

Delphi Celts 280 B.C.

So I'm immersed in the computer age; watching J. Vernon McGee on YouTube talk about the Galations, playing Forge of Empires, and filling out a Taco Bell Survey so I can win $500.

I'll let you know how that turns out.

Mr. McGee- excuse me, Dr. McGee- says the Celts; the same people that had settled France- have sacked the Roman Empire and conquered Delphi.  And because I'm doing so many things at once (so many?  Three?  Really?) I don't even remember the date he said this happened.

But I remember the day this happpened- I like the three p's- I wonder which languages use three succeeding consonants?   I tried the Taco Bell Nacho Fries- and they were pretty good- old; but if I had wanted fries instead of just wanted to try their new take on them- I would have liked them.

Report of the Week is right- they don't need the sauce.
But I like the sauce and actually Taco Bell's Nacho Sauce has been on my mind lately.

I see the difference in quality; I really do- between Nacho sauce at Taco Bell and Queso at Chipotle.
I see a real difference between Taco Bell and Chipotle.

But I like them both.

The idea that quality matters in food is so funny to me because of course quality matters in everything but basically aren't we looking for a shot of fat and salt sometimes?  And we can get that for a dollar or a hundred.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Joe and Marilyn by C. David Heymann


I knew it.

My ability to detect lies is pretty good; I think.

ohnston’s Newsweek piece shows that Heymann’s supposed interviews with conveniently deceased figures like Pierre Salinger almost certainly didn’t happen, according to records in Heymann’s own archives. He raises questions about whether Heymann invented interviews with one of the book’s critical sources, a Holocaust refugee the author claimed, with no supporting evidence, had been Monroe’s therapist. And he raises serious doubts about whether Heymann talked to DiMaggio’s son, who died 15 years ago and was notoriously press-shy. Heymann dedicated Joe and Marilyn to Joe Jr.
Any one of these likely fabrications would necessitate pulling the book. When you add them up, it’s incredible that CBS, Simon & Schuster, and Atria/Emily Bestler continue to sell it, while refusing even to discuss the issues. So I decided to look into it, as well. And it’s clear that Johnston just scratched the surface in his piece.
For instance, Heymann claimed to have talked to Lotte Goslar, Monroe’s mime teacher, for the book. But Goslar died in 1997. Susan Strasberg, another source, died in 1999. Monroe’s makeup artist, Allan “Whitey” Snyder, whom Heymann cites two-dozen times, died in 1994. Yankees legend Bill Dickey died in 1993, and gossip columnist Doris Lilly died in 1991.

Here's a quote from a site that I found when looking up Rose Fromm.  According to this author, who is a great writer- Rose Fromm was an uncredentialed psychiatrist who worked with Monroe in LA but it just sounded totally fake to me.  I don't think this lady existed.  Of course I have no way of knowing if she did- but it just sounded fake.  Immigrant fleeing from the Nazis providing first-hand accounts affirming what people think they know about Marilyn- the refugee treating her in LA but settling in New York- it just sounded fake to me.

And I was totally going to check when these people interviewed for this book died.  It all seemed convenient.  Even the author has died.  Nobody can ask him anything.  The only clue I got that the book wasn't trying to fill in gaps that can't actually be verified is the index.  There's a pretty heavy index like there is in many biographies and that makes all the details easy to research- and if the author was hiding things- easy to debunk.

I know that authors often make quotes of things that are actually recollections that remember words differently than spoken; but this book has so many details I don't remember from anywhere else that it annoyed me from the beginning.

I too noticed that there was much content from Joe Jr.  And I couldn't understand why the guy- who just died before publication- would reveal so much.  But of course maybe the man did decide to tell all he knew, in contrast to what he did in the past.  It's certainly possible.  But it can't be verified.  The Marilyn legend is so big and so broad (about this broad) that I don't expect to get so many new details from one book.  But it is really an interesting book.

I notice the vulgarity ascribed to Marilyn- yet the book is still so admiring of her.  To me that's a new choice in the course of her legend.  In other books, authors don't try to pretend like she wasn't promiscuous, but they don't have he using the language of sex or being straightforward about it.

Here's the quote that is at the front of the book that got me started- along with YouTube conspiracy theories- about distrusting this book:

The history of any public character involves not only the facts about him but what the public has taken to be facts. - J. Frank Dobie

Is there a J. Frank Dobie?  Let's see what Google tells me:  Yep, there seems to be.

With Google at our fingertips, it's tempting to think we can research anything.  And we can.  But who knows what one finds and how many people are just quoting someone else...  but this book really had me questioning so many things- all of them possible, but just not seeming right- that I considered making lists of all the things I don't remember from other Marilyn books and trying to find discrepancies.

On p. 15- the beginning of chapter 2- it might be obvious but I've looked a few times- it says that Joe didn't go to Hawaii- as if I should have known he was planning to go... but I can't find any reference to Hawaii before that- none.  I'll be embarrassed if I look again and see it- but it seems to me a case of poor editing.... but speaking of poor editing- I don't remember having found any spelling mistakes and that's rare in books these days.  I think I'll just finish the book and return it- letting others question its veracity as they already have.

I really like the idea of a double biography and I've watched the Marilyn legend grow and the DiMaggio one shrink- but these insights from many people who seemed to have witnessed so much seem contrived.  Not all the interviewees speak the same or anything- it's just that they seem to say exactly what the author would want them to say to move the narrative along.

In this telling, Marilyn seems more like a girl of today.  There's still the haunted childhood and the crippling anxiety and the drugs and the sex but I don't know- it's more frank about the sex, and about her career and it seems to discount the fact that these well-known episodes- her firings from Fox, the calendar, the first Playboy cover, the divorce interviews- were all part of a brilliant publicity campaign that's worked better than any other one ever.  If she's so focused on her career than of course she does things to further it.  She's not just a victim in this book but she's also truly in love- even while there's such a fuss made of the fact that she was courting Arthur Miller (husband #3) the whole time.

This author has written much about the Kennedys too and I wonder if that's touched upon here.

To me it seems like the story unquestioned that Joe wanted a housewife rings a little false.  Who marries Marilyn Monroe to get a housewife?

I think that was a useful fiction to get Marilyn into the consciousness as a misunderstood victim but its outlived its veracity and we'll just have to see what comes next in the Marilyn legend.

Another discrepancy I remember is Hugh Hefner saying that the Golden Dreams calendar shot hadn't been in any magazines while earlier it was said it had been airbrushed and widely published in magazines...  Did Hefner mean it hadn't been published unairbrushed or did Hefner ever say anything about it at all?  it's hard to trust this author.

I also think that if Marilyn said "Who's Joe DiMaggio?" and "Who's Babe Ruth?" she could have nearly counted on the idea that the people she was talking to would think that was funny; if not charming, and wonder at her credulity- not necessarily take it seriously.  Lots of people say things to be funny and say things that could be taken in two directions and she's constantly portrayed as trying to get attention at times while at others going silent and under the radar.

Does anybody else think the name "George Solitaire" for the man assigned to keep DiMaggio alone when he wants to be- is a stretch?  But there he is in all the other sources and I guess it's true.  There was a man named Solitaire who traveled around with Joe managing his alone time.

It's not as weird as Caster Semenya being one who can cast something or Bruce Jender but hey- we're living inside a narrative.

I'm starting to wonder if Marlilyn was late all the time so she could be known for being late.  I can see her actually prepared to do whatever it was she was supposed to be doing but waiting so people would have to wait...   I guess the publicity that I've been exposed to of her as crafty and intelligent has certainly worked on me.

I once had a book in my hands that was a compendium of every where and when Marilyn had been and that would be a good way to fact check this book.

It also would be a way to invent stories to fit into the missing times.

If she was in Miami, could she have gotten on a speed boat and raced up to Palm Beach to see Kennedy for instance.  I read a novel where she tried to save his life in Dallas, after not really dying herself.  I also read a novel about Princess Diana (Both died at 36) living a normal life somewhere in America after having a nose job that took off just a bit..)

Back to how convenient the tidbits in the book are....   there sure are many of them.

Friday, January 19, 2018

What Will People Think?

Heavily involved in my third play in 3o years (ha!  I first typed 330 years!) I've been thinking a lot about what other people think.

I know on stage you can really feel it but your audience doesn't get it and might have no idea what you're doing... and there will never be an actor or an audience that gets everything....

I know that speaking honesty to my family recently freaked them out.  (This was about my Mom and their enabling and about the worth of human life which they can't admit in a context that feels to them religious- as if life isn't a miracle, as if they can't even say the word miracle.)  Last night we prayed for our show and an atheist was included happily in the circle- no problem, no harm no foul, nobody died... nobody got hurt.)

My Mom's generation thinks everybody's looking at them in real life- so they're always on stage.

Everybody in Western society is couching what they say by thinking of its result on the person they're saying it to - and what they personally can get- before considering whether or not the words or true, useful or gasp! kind.

We really don't value truth anymore but we value truth more than kindness- which is really scary.

I'm wondering if in the past, people just didn't fill silence with words.  It would be easy to get to that point if in the right setting- and maybe children really were seen and not heard most of the time, and maybe people didn't figure they had much to say until they hit about eight years old.

How old was Einstein when he spoke?

And who cut his hair?

Grandma dressed for Quik Chek- but who was she speaking for?
Grandpa didn't say much.

I was listening to Erwin Lutzer and he was talking about how a good king could raise a bad one and I was thinking about how my Dad did a good job. 

He burned things when he was little. 

He hurt animals when he was little.

And he didn't do anything like that at all as an adult.  Those things were gone before he became a father.

Well, he did burn pipes and cigarettes and cigarellos and a couple cigars.

There's this picture of him holding me, with a pipe in his mouth.

And long before the cancer diagnosis and his death I was so mad at him for smoking around me; his premature 3 pound 13 ounce baby in 1967.  I'm in the picture as big as a regular baby so maybe I was older than I look... I don't know.

But now I realize Dad had the pipe in his mouth and there is a 3% chance that it was lit.

He had anxiety; which he never spoke of and so does everybody else ever born. 

He wanted to do things with his hands.  It's kind of like how Daniel gives us 47 props so that we have something to do with our hands on stage.  I don't like it,  but I understand it.

Dad's got some mess in his family tree so that means I do too.

Who doesn't?

At one point I told my parents that I didn't want to have kids because the crazy was so high on both sides that I didn't want to have a crazy kid.

But now that I know much more about their crazy, and know so much more about crazy in general and about my crazy, I can't wait to have a kid.

What a great wonderful crazy miracle that will be.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Modern Day Vampires - In the Lab Now; Not the Street

So I just saw an advertisement; a tastefully produced flier, for young people to donate blood so that labs can study whether or not young people's blood can help old people avoid frailty.

Does anybody remember the lady who bathed in virgins' blood to stay young?

I personally don't think that Jennifer Lopez does this, but she does something.  She used to look horsey and then she didn't.  But if you want to hear Mary 40's opinion about the subject, I think Mary 40 (formerly known as Miriam) is fabulous.  Find her on YouTube and she may be your next favorite female friend (that you don't actually know.)  She really is awesome.

Does anybody think that maybe Jimmy Carter's inoperable brain cancer that hasn't killed him- and Papa Bush's ability to skydive and Queen Elizabeth's and Henry Kissinger's and Nelson Rockefeller's ages and conditions might be helped by something like this?

There are so many stories involving blood.  And of course these stories are on top of our scientific knowledge and our religious taboos, etc.

Can I trust anything anyone tells me about blood?

They told us for 1500 years that wine was blood.  But only after somebody rang a bell in front of a red candle.


Then there's the leaches or are they leeches that leach- and the certain blood-draining types of kosher/hallal slaughter and transfusions from which people suddenly became someone else (I'm making that one up, I think) and all the vampire stuff from 1850 on- you know, once people were no longer to seeing blood in their everyday lives but started to make it romantic- except for menstrual blood which isn't considered so; not by me anyway...

When the blank did frailty become an illness?  A lab is studying young blood's use for fighting frailty.  You know it's only common sense.  This must have been done before by Shiao Lin masters or alchemists or Frankensteins or somebody, but now it's legitimized by science.

Tourniquets (even the arm garters used right now by me in Paint Your Wagon) and veins and blood pressure cuffs freak me out.  I'm sure there's a deeper better reason then I'm just a weirdo.

Maybe I am part vampire.

They say many of us are part Neandertal and don't you dare type or gasp! say Neanderthal.,,

which is weirder?

I think in the past, everybody knew there were witches and everybody knew those people were doing weird things with blood and now people pretend like that's not true.

Of course it's true.

Somewhere in the world there's somebody doing any kind of weird thing anyone could imagine- so of course somebody's doing something basic- and wrong- with something readily available- duh!

You know how I know this?  Because the heart is desperately wicked and we're constantly being lulled and cajoled into following it.  And guess what that heart is doing?

It's not actually circulating blood- the lungs are the pump and the heart is a multichambered valve- but you probably haven't heard that enough to believe it yet.

(Arnold Ehret says that about the lungs and the heart.)

Conspiracy Practice for the Cranberries

So I've got an example of a star that's died and I've listened to one little video about it.

I'm not that familiar with this person; didn't know her name- but familiar with perhaps 5 songs on which she sang lead vocals.  I knew the name of her band and recognized her voice.  And I know one friend who really identifies with these songs.

So it's not as if this story would have a great effect on me except I note a young age of death and mysterious- well, not mysterious- but not yet revealed circumstances of her death.  By not telling me what killed her I guess I want to know- but only slightly.

The thing I notice now; that I would not have thought much about before my YouTube immersion into conspiracy theories- is what the media chose to say about her- while also saying they have no idea about what caused her death.

She was sexually abused.

She found fame young- I don't think so- not by pop music standards; but that's what the smiling reporter said.

She had four children.

She moved to Ontario and liked the woods to escape from a hectic life of being a well-known performer.  She wanted to get off "the machine;" which in this case wasn't intense fame but presumably fame and business and making music as a business.

So how could the media use this story?

I doubt if it's going to be used for gun control.

It's not sponsored by any corporate sponsor and it doesn't involve multiple deaths.
(Pulse was sponsored by Dunkin' Donuts and that police shooting in maybe Texas was Bank of America)

I think on this one they're going to go for euthanasia.  She led a troubled life; she led a good life, she overcame "demons from her past" and found great success; she got a diagnosis and then in the full knowledge of her loving family- maybe out in the woods- she wrote beautiful notes to everyone she ever knew, gave daisies to each person she ever loved (violets to each man she ever slept with and also one to one beautiful semi-famous lesbian lover from her college days- 'cause that doesn't really count- and slipped off into eternity in some water river/lake ceremony- which was either filmed or not filmed- that's the only question I have at the moment.

I don't think they're going to push the lesbian or transgender thing but throw a bone to it.  I was surprised that in the interview she didn't say something like "love is love no matter who it's with" or something like that.  They didn't even say "Remember to find love where you can."  They didn't push sex at all so I think the story is about something else.

I don't see how the story can be used to make tighter censorship or surveillance laws but hey- I'm not as well-connected as the people that want those.

I don't have those resources.

It would be interesting to know if she had just recorded something to be released posthumously or if another member of the band has a project in the works or if they're going to take someone with a great voice but no success and have a Cranberries tour with a new singer.  But I don't think that's the way it's going to go since I haven't heard about a cranberry in a decade.

I do think cranberries are good for ya- and they have been downgraded in the press for not helping uterine tract infections but they probably won't make a resurgence in the "health" movement quite yet.  That will have to wait for a prodigious and somehow newsworthy cranberry harvest sometime in the future.  Probably someone's found a new purpose for what used to be cranberry bogs and thinks they can make more from them- (restoring wetlands, maybe?) than growing cranberries.

I don't even see a connection between this singer and the name of the group- but I bet if I followed the story I might find one.

I don't think I'll follow the story.

I'm sure someone is adding up and multiplying and combining numbers in her life statistics to come to some conclusion; but as long as 33 and 9 and 7 and 6 and 9 with 11 continue to be searched for- come on people- of course you can find some of those in any story about any one or anyone.

Cranberries singer Dolores O'Riordan dead at 46

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Acupuncture January 16, 2018

Electrodes applied today- first time. 

During- I felt a few things; then as if I was wearing a hat, and then teared up a little- mainly right eye.

First time needles near nose.

After- arms felt good.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Dave Johnson, Rumors of Wars and Google/YouTube

It is Martin Luther King Day today, and Google has a nice image of white and black people being sprayed with chemtrails while looking on in awe at him speaking at the Mall "I Have A Dream" speech.

I bet he did have a dream.

Having been born a little after he was killed, I've been in the timeslot to be able to see King become a legend.  As Madonna did; replacing the term for the mother of Christ, King has replaced the term for the reformer.

The division between Roman Catholic and Protestant means little to people who aren't very in to either one.

It used to start wars.
And it used to establish governments.

Mary land was allowed to be included in the U.S.A. and Kennedy was allowed to become President.  And other than the Jesuit Vice-Presidents that's about all the overcover involvement the Romans have had with our government.

But then there's that all-seeing eye symbol which is everywhere for the last decade.  But the dollar has been everywhere longer than that.

It was so surprising to me to see the only truth from Trump and Hillary pronounced in front of the Catholic guy; with all those important people laughing and the lady with the gloves looking like a real female.  She is so pretty.

I'm thinking today of Dave Johnson's alternate take on the Illuminati- now Belluminati- It's a recognizable brand since its startup in marketing in 2017.... in which, instead of controlling everything through violence and evil, the top level of the pyramid pretends that there are wars and pretends that there are mass shootings and pretends that there are assassinations and refugees.  In this interesting scenario, the mega-elites start rumors and innuendos and sit back and play chess with us and of course Jesus warned of rumors of wars.

I always wondered why me, or a little person... presumably the salt of the earth or the blessed meek would ever need to think of, much less be warned about the rumor of a war.

But I do know this.

On Google's Blogger platform, and using Google's search engine, and being heavily influenced by the popular search engine YouTube's conspiracy videos.... also owned by Google.... 

There is no way Google would ever lie to me.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Jeff's Party

I met lots of great people and hope to see many of them again.

This was Sunday.

Acupuncture Session

Good session today with a little sensitivity on left arm - close to where blood is drawn - coincidence; I think not? 

First time- felt heat?consciousness? behind the nose- second time?  a little deeper.  This time in front of my forehead.

Past recommendations- hydration.  Past and current- cardio- short bursts of intensity.  Empathy protection. 

Saturday, January 6, 2018


So, today I'm sitting in Taco Bell learning 'O Sole Mio and "The Frog Prince" by Stephanie S. Fairbanks.

Of course I'm at my corner office at Boynton Beach and Jog- or should I say satellite office since it's not at the corner.  This library is getting better.  The people aren't as nasty these days.

Maybe the cold keeps them at bay.

What do nasty people do on cold weekends?  Stay inside and watch the thermostat and complain about it, I guess.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Things People Have Said

Some of these are words and some are intimations- or things I heard- as in the way I took it-

Do you know what I was doing today?  I was looking for Just for Men to color your beard.

I'm going to cast you in all my shows.

How dare you spend any of her money, but hide as much as you can.

Here's one example of how you've done these three things (even though it was only one example and in order to fulfill all three requirements you'd have to have at least two- AND THE EXAMPLE GIVEN DIDN'T EVEN FULFILL ANY OF THE REQUIREMENTS!

You have failed to return emails.
You have returned emails late.
You have returned emails with the wrong information.  
Then she gives me an example of an email- I point out that it wasn't late and wasn't incorrect; then she tells me I should have called them and I prove from the database record that I did and then little Miss Snot Nose says "Oh, well- this issue is much bigger than an email."

It sure is a lot bigger than an email.  If someone in authority is going to lie they should have powerful people on their side so no one cares about the truth.  Thanks you three people.

But.... what about.... your voice?

This is what I'm told when I want to audition for Evita?  Well guess what happened?  I got another quote I like much better:

But... he can sing.

Get up there on the stage where you belong.
 I was listening to a video by Jon Humanity on YouTube and he was saying that we need to take responsibility for the things that happen to us. 

Pockets of the Future on YouTube says that the stance of a victim is a most powerful and most seductive mistake.

What do I say?

Tuesday, January 2, 2018



That's the first time I've typed that.

I wonder how long it will take me to automatically come to that place.

So it's Gymuary and I'm here at one of my satellite offices; the lieberry at Job and Boynton Beach Road.

The man next to me is making adjustments and it's taking him quite awhile.  I wonder if he's dealing with a change in size.

The worker; usually so patient with the snippy old people at this branch; is having little bits of attitude- not much but I hear a difference.

It's the first day after the holidays.  And it's cold.  But it's a good day.  I'm reminded of the Christmas Miracles we experienced in insurance.  Everybody's back to normal on January 2nd.