Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Things People Have Said

Some of these are words and some are intimations- or things I heard- as in the way I took it-

Do you know what I was doing today?  I was looking for Just for Men to color your beard.

I'm going to cast you in all my shows.

How dare you spend any of her money, but hide as much as you can.

Here's one example of how you've done these three things (even though it was only one example and in order to fulfill all three requirements you'd have to have at least two- AND THE EXAMPLE GIVEN DIDN'T EVEN FULFILL ANY OF THE REQUIREMENTS!

You have failed to return emails.
You have returned emails late.
You have returned emails with the wrong information.  
Then she gives me an example of an email- I point out that it wasn't late and wasn't incorrect; then she tells me I should have called them and I prove from the database record that I did and then little Miss Snot Nose says "Oh, well- this issue is much bigger than an email."

It sure is a lot bigger than an email.  If someone in authority is going to lie they should have powerful people on their side so no one cares about the truth.  Thanks you three people.

But.... what about.... your voice?

This is what I'm told when I want to audition for Evita?  Well guess what happened?  I got another quote I like much better:

But... he can sing.

Get up there on the stage where you belong.
 I was listening to a video by Jon Humanity on YouTube and he was saying that we need to take responsibility for the things that happen to us. 

Pockets of the Future on YouTube says that the stance of a victim is a most powerful and most seductive mistake.

What do I say?

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