Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Play notes

 So, I'm going to do something I won't be able to do in the future.

I'm going to put out here in the public, which so far it's just me, my notes on my latest play.

Nice touch, for today's ad&d audience, to introduce the main characters right away. She's right to think that giving people somebody to focus on from the beginning is good. And then later, I think two lines have to be changed but who cares?

Also at the beginning, like with Flashdance, there's going to be some visual references to the movie. Maybe two both movies.

In groups there is the tendency for rehearsal to start late, and for the liter to have to interrupt a lot of chatter, but I think maybe instead of going around the room and saying everyone's name, another way to start would be to get everybody moving right away instead of talking right away.

I think everybody should keep a pencil between their teeth so that they don't talk without realizing it. There's so many people who talk before they even realize that they're opening their mouth. This way, the pants will fall in the floor and I'll stop. For a second, and I know have to put the pencil back in their mouth.

When idea I have, is to immediately put everybody on the stage but divide them up into groups, like Pink Ladies on the left greasers on the right or jets on the left sharks on the right or kids on the left adults on the right. I think Maya doing the same thing ie everybody get on the stage that's an action perform together right from the start. And then those subgroups need to be formed quickly as well.

Before rehearsal, send the tracks to everybody with only their part and send the music to everybody with only their part.

Also send everybody a copy of all the music imprint and audio. Have them practice the music before the first rehearsal.

Having a company track of me saying what I want them to learn about their track. For instance, these notes are all the same so it's very easy to go flat. Raise your eyebrows and keep in mind that you want the notes in the series to all be on the same page. Or, the words are all the same except the first line ends with this word in the third line answer that word.

On the word silent so is the first time you hold any note. Stuff like that.

How is do the words without the notes, if the words are tricky. Everybody talk together without the notes but with the Rhythm and the pronunciation that you want. Don't forget pronunciation and don't just teach notes. Pretty much all the notes have words accompanying them, so don't forget that.

Emphasize that people need to pronounce the same words the same ways. And of course the difference between how we say words and how we sing them.

The first time you play a difficult Passage have everybody sing it slowly.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the first thing song should be the song those people know already like the most famous song from the show so they sound good the first time they open their mouths.
