Saturday, May 18, 2019

Museum of Art Museum of Art

 Free today, with only one way in.
New sidewalks around the building, only locked administrative and delivery doors.

The birds on the empty grass space, had the best idea. The sun is free every day, and they liked the blue sky.

Today I heard again, about the theory that language is start with words for dark light and red. And blue, and other words are  later in development. And I remember the researcher, wondering if his daughter would know that the sky was blue even though it had never been mentioned to her. Now, in books and movies and conversations that took place without his knowing, or remembering, unless he kept her in a box, why would he think such a thing?!

This museum has a lot of decorative things in it, the but hardly anything that I would call Art. So I suppose that means, that aren't stands in a tradition and isn't just meant to look good.

There are some African things here, and I think they are very artistic, however the people that used them, probably thought of him as not art but as religious utility.

I'm wondering how I see these items, with so much cultural history, as art, but these things meant to stand around and be art or meant to hang on the wall don't seem artistic to me at all.

I was trying to find some things that interested me, Among this art, and did notice that some things are interesting just due to their size. A big poster on the wall catches the eye, and I suppose a little tiny statue or a big one, what do the same thing. So it struck me that in order to make a piece interesting, the contacts could be created, assuming the same thing, say a shape of any kind, from any size from Rice grain to building and all of them in between.

Without inserting the context myself, these things have no interest for me. This artist. Something similar perhaps.

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