Wednesday, May 15, 2019

primary colors

Looking at those little weed thingies, I am thinking of how we see one color which is really a combination of several colors. The weed I'm talking about, is a little almost black circle surrounded by a few tiny white petals, but when I glanced at it and passing it looks purple.

So that leads me to the TVs, which are red green and blue but form every color we can imagine. I never saw the TV which actually had yellow, and I don't know if they make it anymore. But I must not have been very different than the others.

Last night for trivia we learned that pool balls start with the primary colors and that Google logo starts with the primary colors. And calling this color blue, are Minute Maid at McDonald's are using primary colors. But how it can be different on TV, with green instead of yellow still blows my mind.

I suppose it's related to how close the blue purple and violet or indigo are close to one another because in theory they would have to be a balance except I suppose we only see part of the spectrum.

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