Monday, June 1, 2020

Cletha History

So since you couldn't go talk to people, you didn't know what they really meant. And you didn't know what they really said. You had to rely on what other people said they meant. And you had to rely on what other people said they meant. And Publicrats pretended like they knew everything. But they
 didn't know anything. So that's why we became Oreo. We started out as the United States, but then we became Oreo. I can't really describe the United States to you because it was so far gone by the time I got here. But I can try. You see, there wasn't this country made up of two countries. There was this one bigger country which contained the coasts and contained the middle. And you know how we are the gooey middle? And the best part? Well, it wasn't like that back then. The krusty coasts thought they were the best. They were richer, and they thought they were smarter. And they called us the fly over States and they were right.

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