Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Google's Blogger, Google and YouTube

I continue to be captivated by conspiracy theories on YouTube.  And YouTube has its own conspiracy.  The biggest YouTuber; Pewdiepie, was attacked by the Wall Street Journal, who pretended as if they didn't know he is a comedian.  It was ridiculously biased and had to be intentional.  There is no way anyone who speaks English would think he is being serious when he is joking- even if they only watched one video.  His humor is obvious, and I find it very funny and endearing.  Clearly anyone writing an article about Pewdiepie would hopefully watch many of his videos and there is absolutely no way these two authors thought he was being serious about discriminating against anyone.  Even if someone doesn't find Pewdiepie funny- it is so clear when he is making a joke.  I am disgusted at the authors and editor and anyone else who approved that story because 10 minutes of research would have discredited the article and after it was published, companies and other news outlets went with it instead of doing their own ten minutes of research before running their mouths or cancelling contracts.

Fake news is real.  And it's a real problem.

YouTube is most likely going through the conspiracy theorists that use YouTube and harassing them and deleting their channels.  Whether YouTube is complicit or directly responsible or sloppily managed; it is not clear- but it's going to result in all of them heading to Vidme or some other uncensored platform. 

Speaking conspiratorily, I don't think there are any uncensored websites that aren't allowed to be uncensored.  I think its' a decision made somewhere other than just by the author- but in any case, refusing ads from big sponsors as if anyone who has ever watched YouTube doesn't understand the ad process- shame on you YouTube.  I don't think more than ten percent of users have any problem at all with which ads are linked with which videos.  This is really a non-issue that you're pushing to clean up your platform from content creators you don't like.

This is wrong morally and it's not a good business decision.  You could have easily placated your bog-company sponsors instead of stirring them up.  You made a moral judgment here and I don't agree with it.  Of course, I'm using your Blogger to say that (to no one) and I understand that each service can decide how they run it.  "You" are going to tell me that businesses have to serve customers in every protected class of people but what about people that don't agree with them.  Can we have some protection for Truthers?  Don't we all have the right to be incorrect or to ask someone else why they are lying?

The search engine the Google website uses is the best I've found.  But the search engine on YouTube is pretty bad.  You guys are the same company, right?  Can you work on this?

Here's a screen shot from YouTube.  Are you not investing in it or have you figured out that it makes so much money why bother fixing it, or are you deliberately sabotaging it?

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