Thursday, August 13, 2020

Delray Beach is so weird

Swinton is a major Street and it goes through neighborhoods and then becomes like the main road through some sleepy Georgia town. It's hard to think, that we're in the middle of a Broward, Palm Beach, Dade metropolis. I just saw a sign, before I meandered past the playhouse and the parks and back to major streets after going through what looks like people's driveways,, a sign  that said something like it is unlawful do you have your radio on loud. Okay. And then Seacrest is reachable through what looks like dead ends and then it looks the same as Swinton.  I don't think other north south routes, like Dixie and A1A and Federal and Congress and Jog and Military and 441 seem so haphazard.  Not sure what the characterizing differences are, but on Swinton and Seacrest they include major commercial intersections with tiny office buildings and houses on the corners. Right now I'm at the water tower and the Shrine or Temple at Woolbright.  Lesley and Smashburger and the crowds are gone.  McD's is still here.

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