Wednesday, February 28, 2018

february 28 2018


I typed a small f, thinking I had my pinky on the shift button... but I left it... 

I know, I'm totally living on the edge today.

Today was an interesting day.

There was a job interview and a visit to the Norton.

I don't think I've discussed the Norton art gallery here; or maybe I have...

but the first thing I remember about it from our kindergarten trip from Pixie Private School is the two statue set at the front entrance.

And they're still there..

Here's the info about one of them..

It's sideways.

This guy is the same guy who did Prometheus in front of the Rockefeller NBC skating rink- or above it or next to it or whatever.

And they are supposed to remain after a huge expansion.

Now the tour guide didn't say it today, but they used to be reversed- so instead of Diana shooting Acteon, she was kind of shooting nothing.  And he was on the left; in agony turning into a stag even though Diana wasn't pointing at him with her bow.  It was explained to me- maybe that first day in kindergarten or maybe later- that the artistic sensibility of the two figures leaning in- drawing the eye and viewer and patron into the building- was more important than a correct narrative.  And I like that line of reasoning.  It makes sense that an art museum would care about that.  But I like the way they are set up now too.

Here's me today.

I took this one in the hallway at PBA.  I was waiting in air conditioning; before finding the perfect table in a shady breezeway later- and not much to do before the museum opens.

It documents the wrinkled shirt I dug out of the trunk- along with shorts- that I changed into, in the car, after the job interview.

But you can't see my jaunty hat.

Maybe next time.

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