Friday, June 1, 2018

I hate it when

parents try to get their kids to behave in public.

It might be mostly me, because I'm sensitive to the issue, this is a real possibility. But, it seems to me like when strangers see me they think they need to be respectable. And this makes parents try to whip their kids into shape, which is so annoying. If you're in a public place, when a parent can see a child, is it a problem for the kid to be a few steps away, or going to a different table  in the restaurant that's not occupied?


Wow, look withat text-to-speech just did?

To skip or laugh if it's not a particularly quiet place? So great about respectability?

What they are teaching, without knowing it, is that the world is a scary place and you must stay within Arm's Reach of your parent at all times or there's a crisis. Which is the exact opposite of what a parent is supposed to do, which is to teach the Kid 2 get along in the world without them.

 Eating? And why are parents always try to force their kids to eat?

Look around, do you see anybo is parents  should have told  them to eat?

I don't. I don't think there's hardly anybody who doesn't eat too much. At least that's my feeling today.

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  1. That was a very interesting text to speech conversion.

    Right after I wrote that, a 3 year old came by, gave me a shush symbol, and want three feet away from her mom. The mom kept her eye on her, as the girl circled around a little in the restaurant, and came back to her mom.

    Exploring without negative consequences. The mom is learning that the world is not going to gobble up her child the minute the child is out of her sight.

    The kid is teaching us how to deal with three year olds.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
