Monday, November 7, 2016

2 Caesars

Caesar is selected tomorrow but does it matter.

Today on and last night at FBO I heard two talk about dual citizenship.  We owe something to out country but we're already citizens of the Kingdom of God.  So we've got two, according to Uth, and many, according to McGee- responsibilities.

McGee said today- I'm a little behind listening, and he's speaking from years ago- that corruption of the Senate makes him resent paying taxes but he does.  What would he say about Trump being proud of not paying taxes and the Clinton Foundation?  Are they stealing those Haitians to use in Spirit Cooking?  You'd think they'd want ones of a different color- so where do they get those?

Politics is sickening today.  I wish McGee could comment on it for me to hear.  Is he concerned about it up there??  What do people do up there?

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's has been called the most fundamental statement ever uttered... blah blah blah.  But to me it's proof of how Jesus spoke above the heads of his accusers.  He knew their intentions and met them where they were.  They didn't want a real answer and so they didn't get one.  He gave them what they needed, which was higher truth that they may not have even realized until years later.  What did those people think who later saw their stories in print?  There must have been some who switched sides and recognized themselves in the text later and hoped no one else knew...  What did the lady with the alabaster offering know about her fame?  Did she hear that it would be worldwide for all time?

It's time to vote and no one is talking about any political body; only individuals.  So if they want us to keep Congress, they're doing a good job.  It isn't even on the radar that it could basically be replaced.

But what is Caesar's?  Does he require a vote?  Lately it's clear to me that two big lies I've always believed are suspect if not evil.  One is rotting for the rebels.  David vs. Goliath is a good example of this, but people overthrowing their government- well there are some bad governments and I can't find a good one, but authority isn't something to be thwarted is it?  I always thought it was but isn't it God who sets up and brings down tyrants, not me?  I have come to be in an environment that thinks everybody gets a voice.  And maybe everybody does, but.... the person who owns half the town maybe should have a louder voice than the traveler passing through on a train.  It was terrible how slaves were treated, but the problem wasn't that they couldn't vote.  Who wants illiterate people with no hope or stake in a community to vote?  The problem isn't voting.

I've been learning lessons from the fish in the tank at the Millenia McDonald's.  The bigger ones are given more room but guess what?  Bigger fish take up more room.  It is smart of the bicyclist to not ride without pausing through crosswalks and intersections.  It's not because the bicyclist has the right of way or doesn't.  It's because the cyclist knows who will win if there's a contest.

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