Friday, November 18, 2016

So I was wrong

So I was right and I was wrong.

The American people had the opportunity to vote out 88 percent of Congress (I don't know if that is accurate) but instead they concentrated only on the one person in the White House.  They didn't really care about the Vices or anyone's vices.  They really didn't like either candidate but what they did do was convince themselves that the other half of the country is the problem.

Hello, if we only think about politics once every four years and if we only think about politics as President, we're not going to get much accomplished.

Think about this.

A company spends a year selecting a CEO in a bitter fight blaming every one else in the company for the fact that nobody really likes the CEO.  But they don't spend any time trying to be a better employee.  They don't spend any time trying to figure out if anybody else in the company is working.  They don't do anything to make the company a better place but they just yell at each other about who should be CEO. 

Uh.... how much work is that company going to accomplish during a year?

So I didn't think Trump would win but Americans wanted change.  They were going to get change no matter what they did- as long as they were/are only concerned about President.  The man was going to leave and somebody else was going to step in so why the big deal if all they wanted was someone different. 

Well let's talk about some of the things that were different.

The Republicans decided they couldn't keep trading between Bushes and Clintons.  Will Bush try again?  I still say the sacrificial one is Jeb and the next will be the cute Hispanic one.  But we will see. 

But back to now.  The Republicans didn't support the Republican nominee, who isn't really a Republican.

That's different.

Are the Publicrats not working together on this or are they trying to look like they aren't working together?

There was one given in the race.  The President was going to be old.

These people are old.

We could have an old Socialist, and old woman or an old non-politician.  There are good reasons to think all of these choices as a change.  And there are good reasons to think any of these changes- just like the first Black one who wasn't half Black- weren't going to be much of a change either.

The people in charge knew that the American public wanted change so they gave them three changes to choose from.

And we picked this one?

I was so surprised, and so happy for no good reason.

Is it misogyny?  The woman couldn't stray too far from her script or she was criticized, but that ogre couldn't break enough rules.  Every time he said something stupid he got more popular.  Talk about a scene stealer.  The poor politicians didn't have a chance against the reality TV star.

I'm actually very hopeful.

I think a reality TV star can do a good job if he wants to.

I don't think he is nearly as stupid as his statements make him sound.  I think he said what he needed to say to get elected.  And that's what they all always do.  So that, as crazy as he sounded, is actually no change.
But a non-politician is a change.  A person famous for something other than politics is a change.  Maybe we have a change here. 

And maybe not.

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