Saturday, January 21, 2017

Best Video on Fake News? PewDiePie

The separation of Church and State- errrr, I mean- the separation between news and entertainment- has reached a new opacity.

The same producers who bring you Saturday cartoons bring you Headline News.  Disney owns ABC.  Have we just figured this out?  They've owned it for awhile now.

Fake news hits the fan with the Clinton News Network- finally people realize what CNN has been up to for twenty years.  They wanted to push Hillary Clinton.  Now, did they do that to put her front and center and get forty five percent of the country to secretly hate her, or did they do that to get her elected.  You have your opinion.  But we knew she was going to run and why and how did we know that?  We heard it on all the acronyms- ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and so forth.

They did this.

A little more than half the country agreed with CNN.  They jut didn't live in the right states.

Pizzagate is a great example of news.  Is it fake or is it real?  How could it be real?  Who would do such a thing?  But how can it be fake?  Who could even make that up??

You know when you watch a movie and suddenly you realize you're watching something so stupid that you want to leave the theater or change the channel?

PewDiePie fails to realize that he's a business?  i doubt that.  He knows more about analytics than the anal analysts paid at each media outlet to keep control over the sheeple.

This is great news.

One man, working independently, has figured out what the committees and corporations haven't.

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