Friday, January 20, 2017

No thanks for your conCERN

As the Ricola hornblowers dig through the planet to release their cousins the Titanephalim from the Abyss, it occurs to me that I haven't spent much time in Switzerland.

Lovely country, it is.  It's like a Carolina with some culture.

Just kidding, Carolina.  Obviously I wasn't talking about you but your neighbor, that other one.

North and South.

Are there a north and south Switzerland?

There's a gentleman on YouTube going around Switzerland showing Templar stuff and interpreting that not as quaint history but as a plot to take over the world.  It's very interesting.  Aren't we all trying to take over whatever part of the world we can get away with?

Digging to the Center of the Earth in chase of.... what?  I am not truly that conCERNed.  But it's a great idea; an olde time exploration motif playing in my head making me want to know what's happening far far away, and how that thing there is much like where I am.  And how it isn't.  For instance, why in that galaxy far far away do they not just use their guns instead of those light sticks?  I know.  Because it looks better.  And it's a movie.

The CERN experiment, dedicated to Kali and with goat dances and beheadings and so on, is not featured in my YoutTube feed so often these days.  I suppose YouTube wants me to move on to another crisis and it's worked.  It's left me with ruminating thoughts of the word "concern."

Influenced by Dave Johnson's channel, I have come to think as of today or yesterday, that concern is the problem.  Concern keeps the thought circling and circling.  Some people need attention and some need a dollar and some need a smile and some need a kind word and some need a kick in the face occasionally but whoever needs concern?

Here in English we have all these synonyms.  Maybe sympathy or empathy or helpful, but in the sense that I'm using it, concern is an excuse to worry and not to do anything.  It's pretending to do something or pretending to care or maybe it's actually caring, but it doesn't leave the mind of the person who is concerned and it doesn't help the object of concern one bit.

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