Saturday, August 3, 2019

Della 1964

Simple Snarky Summary

Mommy issues without a wire hanger in sight.

So good acting by Joan Crawford who doesn't overdue it.  It's a TV series really, and true to the tenor of the film, she doesn't act like she did in the 40s and she doesn't act like a crazy woman of the Baby Jane, etc.

Here she is, just putting her hand on her hip but looking as if there is a curtain rod underneath her arm.

Talk about a need for a transvestigation- maybe an orangutanvestigation.  What man has arms this long- shoulder to elbow or elbow to wrist?  Freak of nature physiology, fabulous actress.

At one point she does admit that she's a fella.  Or at least assents to it.

Yesterday I watched YouTuber Lori Blue Heron compare a mannequin with exact measurements of Marilyn to a regular mannequin.  So of course, since she lost the part in a soap opera, looked like a tranny herself--  everybody on screen is a tranny- by their looks... yet Lori says she looked like one too... classic case of findng what you're looking for, or uncovering a vast left wing conspiracy?  More like a demonic Jezebel 5000 year old conspiracy complete with statues in the moonlight.

Man, the premises are poor in this movie.  The daughter could leave the house every night and have a fabulous lfe at night- wouldn't have to be crazy, wouldn't have to be alone, wouldn't have to stay with Mom or ever be in that house if she didn't want.  She could have a sleepover every night with a different person.  This is a stupid premise... unless there is more going on in that house on the hill, and the psychiatrist brother, how convenient, is covering for them because their Dad is really Jenny's father in a sadistic devil cult and Jenny has extra personalities.

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