Thursday, August 8, 2019

which restroom

This lady, tell me where both restrooms are.

Now, I have serious male pattern baldness, and beard, there's no way she thinks I need to know where the women's bathroom is. except, she's probably been told to tell everybody where both are in case I decide to be a woman today. That's the school board.

1 comment:

  1. So, I've been watching Sasha's videos, on YouTube, on the channel that used to be snake diet Sasha but it's now SC. And she talks about how stupid people are, but I don't need to hear her say that without thinking that for myself, and it strikes me that all these inside people, afraid of the Sun, are teaching the future generation and we would be better served if we all went outside and learn whatever we see instead of parroting back what these pasty people tell us.
