Wednesday, July 15, 2015

These Politicians Today

These Politicians Today

Commentary by Dr. J. Vernon McGee from on Micah 1:1,2

Speaking from the grave, the present state of politics in the United States of America is pegged with accuracy.

This'd be a good book for the Democrats and Republicans to consider in Washington today.  It wouldn't hurt them to look at God's philosophy of government, because very candidly, their form is not working today.  And the reason they can't make our form work is because it was put together by men.  Several of them were not Christians; couldn't be called Christians, but they had respect and reverence for the Bible.  And they felt that the great principles stated in the Bible were worth following, and therefore that was woven into the web and woof of our government and the group of godless men today can't make it work, and it will never work in the hands of godless men.  And that, friends, frankly, is our problem.  Our problem today in this country is not a question of this party or that party, and it's not a question of whether this'll work or that will work and they're all kinds of rationalizing today of what our problem is, but our problem today is that our current government is in the hands of godless men.  And it won't work.         

1 comment:

  1. Web and woof? Warp and woof? I am amazed that Dr. McGee nearly always says what he means. Whenever I think he might have tripped over a word, or inserted another word than the one he meant (which I do in my classes quite often) I find that his usage is actually (and he likes that word, actually) a common, if antiquated phrase or term. Someday I just might learn what exactly (he likes exactly, also, I think) the difference is between a warp, a web and a woof- other than terms that mean part of a construction of something made of cloth.
