Friday, July 3, 2015

Why Women Need to Submit

Women need to submit.  Men do it all the time.

Where do you want to go?

I don't know.  Where do YOU want to go?

I don't know. 

I don't know either.  Let's just go there.


That conversation is evidence of a submission, even though we don't use that old-fashioned word too much.  I don't like that word because it only means one thing now.  It means whether or not women do whatever men want them to do- and that's an incorrect, limited and distorted definition.

Ephesians 5 says something like:

Be happy and grateful all the time, submitting to one another; giving up the need to be right, and not worrying about who is in control, but following each other just exactly like we follow Christ and God.

You don't need to fight with me about where you want to go to lunch as retribution for millenia of patriarchy.  I'll go where you want to go sometimes and you'll go where I want to go sometimes.  And when we get our food we're going to be grateful no matter what it looks like, how long it takes to order, or how much it costs because our food is provided to us for our happiness, health and productivity.

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