Thursday, September 24, 2015

Just Like God

Today I heard a little story about a man who was a legend for his people; David.

He wanted to build God a house.

David was in his palace of cedar and he was probably feeling a little crunchy.  God has a tent and I have all this.  Hmmm, let me see.  What can I do for God?  Maybe he remembered some songs he had played on his harp or got it out to see how well his fingers remembered some of them.

What can I do for God?  Did I hear that right?  Unfortunately we hear that all the time.

You can't do anything for God.  I guess it's a nice thought, but it just shows a real lack of understanding.

There was a little correction made after this, by God to David, but God was nice about it.  He was really really nice and generous to the little man who wanted to help out.

It kind of went like this:

A house, huh?  

Okay, let's talk about a house.

I took you from the backside of nowhere and gave you this city on my planet from which to rule a kingdom.  When you think of palaces and houses, maybe you think I need one since when you were out in the fields, nearly forgotten even in your own family, you thought it would be nice to have one of your own.
And now you have more than you imagined and you turn your attention from wars and women to think of me.
Well, let's talk about me and what I've done.  Speaking of things you can't know, I've laid the foundation for a real big house, not only on this earth.  Sure, there's going to be a great Temple where you picture one, and that's nice.  People will remember it a long time and it will inspire many.  In fact, for about two millenia people will think of this city I gave you as the center of the world, specifically because of that house that you want to build me, but won't build me, that's going to sit up the top of that hill.  But the house, a dynasty that I have begun to build through you will bless all the world and bring together eternity and history; because it's going to connect people and God.
You want to build me a house and that's exactly the thing I will do through you, but so much more important than you can think.

You keep thinking nice thoughts, David.  I'm going to continue with what I was doing, and I'm even going to use you.  

I not only made the world, but I'm going to save it too.  And yes, you can help. 


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