Saturday, December 10, 2016

Fake News

Thank goodness for the most horrible story ever- Pizzagate.

Whatever part of this is true; it's the worst thing ever- but the fact that everyone is talking about this is very very good.

We've known that people are horrible since each of us was about five years old: we just preferred to categorize horrible people as monsters and witches.  But at a certain point each of us has realized that we can be horrible too and that we are horrible sometimes.  Some people don't admit this but everyone knows it's true.

I hope there's not a restaurant where one can order such things but we all know these things exist in secret.

People are talking about fake news and regulating it. 

Well that's a good idea.  Hasn't anyone noticed that official reports come out on Twitter now and bits of stories come out little by little over months and no one notices the discrepancies except for truthers that scream out that no news exists?

There have always been stories and people will always believe some parts of them but it's time to start referencing our sources like we were supposed to do back in high school.

YouTube is great but not everything everybody else says is a lie, you know.

There's been a tipping point where no one listens except to what one already thinks.  People just want their ears scratched.  So it's actually great that we're talking about the truth.

What's the truth according to a person, or an organization or to a technology?  Nobody is listening to phone calls to see if they are full of lies- but the data is being captured to some extent- a greater extent than anyone has time to review?  If I have Google to search things with; what do important people have to check up on us? 

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