Thursday, December 22, 2016

Rogue One

I just watched the latest Star Wars movie and I have one criticism.  Hello- yes, it's good enough for you to put in the yellow text sliding into the background at the beginning of the movie.  I suppose someone thought that since Darth Vader isn't the main character they had to make this A Star Wars Story instead of just one of the canon.  But despite what the makers think, we have a universe of characters and we know some of them interact for various times and then move on.  This movie shares some great plot points and fills in gaps; it's not a spin-off, but it's own stand alone story in a larger framework.

The CGI characters annoyed me a little but I wonder if there was more of it than I noticed.  Some of it was so obvious but I think they can actually make some scenes completely life-like and probably did.


  1. I watched Rogue One again, with a bunch of family on Christmas Day and it was great fun. For some reason; feeling financially frustrated- I've stayed away from the movie theater for years except for Star Wars 7 and this one, Into the Woods and Maleficent.

  2. You know, the CGI characters didn't bother me nearly as much the second time. I think we may have turned a corner when CGI characters are actually undetectable but they made them a little glitchy on purpose to admit that it can be done but fool us into accepting everything we see.

    Maybe the Trump presidency will be mostly CGI. There are at least two Melanias and he looks like a wig and a fatsuit; not a real person.

  3. How wonderful it's going to be to have a President that people can criticize without being maligned for racism. I know racism is a thing but come on- it's not everything. From the North Pole, every direction is South but we don't live on a pole.
